Festival Review: BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival – Los Lobos

Los Lobos are ICONIC for Latinos because, for a community that struggles with how and if they are represented in the entertainment industry, they gave rock n’ roll and blues a Tex Mex flavor. Thus, a mixed crowd of Latinos, like myself, and pure rock n’ roll lovers aligned to appreciate these rock deities in their guitar glory.

Since 1973, Los Lobos have been developing their Chicano Rock, and there is a sincere pride to that. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY HAVE BEEN TRHOUGH! Now older, with grayer hair, I felt moved to see the band gain a warm reception they deserved. Legends age but talent does not. The guys SMILED as the crowd acted like we were in Los Lobos version of Woodstock. It simply felt like a cool, jamming ambiance in the rain. From “Bertha” to “Come On, Let’s Go”, they were covering rock classics “lobo” style. But then….. they did it…. LA BAMBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basic Summation of Crowd’s Reaction Los Lobos Performance



Actual Footage of Me Dancing


BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival has grown in popularity each year because of their diverse line-up. From Common to Fischerspooner, they invite not just the talented but the artful; the ones that take differing roads to achieve deeper routes to glory. Los Lobos fit that bill perfectly by giving a brisk, Sunday show in which they appeared happy to see us: their audience. Of course, we would be there, which is why I felt so moved. As they showed, you work so hard, for so long, against so many odds to get to a place where your dream meets security, and, in some ways, that is what BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival celebrates. It selection of artists, both new and classics, by all means were told they would never make it, but knew that the greatest legends do not rise because others tell them “Yes” as much as they say “Yes!” To themselves. For More Information On BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival Click Here.