Northside Fest: An Overall Review of The Fest That Took Over Brooklyn

I have done a few reviews on Northside Weekend, but wanted to give one FINAL HURRAH for the fest. After 10 years in the city, this was the first time I delved into it as a whole. Not just taking in a show, but going the full four days, and I have to say. I LOVED IT!

As I mentioned in my Snail Mail review, what I really loved about Northside as a whole is that it became an opportunity to rediscover my city. From panels to buzzed about new artists, New York will always be an epicenter in the US for innovation and the promise of prosperity. Thus, seeing technology and music combine throughout Brooklyn was, in basic terms, cool. Moreover, it felt welcoming for a batch of NYCers, especially Millennials, who do not always have the financial funds even if they have the interests. Some of the best shows, like Liz Phair, did not go past 30- 50 bucks, and that was the “expensive” tickets. Yet, no ambiance felt less luxurious or exciting in terms of music innovation. 

Throughout each day, panels were held on how tech is changing the New York and global environment, and how humanity transforms its cultures as it heightens its sense of morality. Now, I know that may not seem true right now, but Northside Fest proved this point in literal pockets. Walking throughout its Block Party or waltzing to Pitchfork Rising, I kept on seeing people eager to share their story or become apart of someone else’s. Even tables were set up asking people to leave a drawing or tale about their life: with no strings attached. It was a breezy ambiance that felt landscaped throughout NYC, made you forget, in an odd way, that you were apart of festival. From hall to hall, you flashed your pass or ticket and simply enjoyed another fun night in the city. For More Information On Northside Fest Click Here.