Diandra Interviews Alexander 23: Finding Yourself In Song

From sadness to rejection, music approaches all the times love did not show up. Yet, our attraction to songs on heartbreak are part of the catharsis we need to find the love we want. In our interview, Alexander 23 discusses how music has helped him find his inner voice and create songs, like his new single “When I Die” that make you dance away all the nays you have received.

Diandra: You talk a lot about sadness, in your music and shows. How has music helped you analyze and heal from this natural part of life?

Alexander 23: Sadness comes in various sizes and shapes.  As far as using music as a mechanism to combat sadness, it’s all about finding that song that fits the size and shape of what you’re feeling.  If that song doesn’t exist for me, I try to write it.

Alexander 23 – When I Die (Lyric Video)

Diandra: Rejection is another theme to your songs. What is a rejection you got over through music, and what was the song that helped you through it?

Alexander 23: I think that self-doubt, in itself, is a form of rejection.  I have been writing songs since I can remember, but they never totally felt like me.  I just kept writing and, throughout the last year, I have finally started to feel comfortable within my own voice.  This next song I’m putting out, “When I Die”, was actually the first song I ever wrote where I felt like damn, this is how I want to sound.

Diandra: You mentioned the difficulty of loving someone that does not love you back. How have  your songs taught you to love better?

Alexander 23: Music gives me an opportunity to almost see my life from a bird’s eye view.  I get to really zoom out and see situations both emotionally and objectively.

What are the things you most like about LA and most miss about New York? How has the change in location inspired new music?

Alexander 23: I like to think LA is the perfect place to write songs about NY.  I have much more space in LA, both physically and mentally, which has allowed me to really internalize my time in NY.  I definitely miss the constant action of NY though.

Alexander 23 – Dirty AF1s [Official Music Video]

Diandra: You have spoken about how your father playing guitar inspired you to pick it up. What is your favorite family memory that can be attributed to music?

Alexander 23: My dad was an enormous influence on my musical taste.  I have a ton of amazing memories of driving down the highway with him on the way to basketball tournaments, listening to albums, all the way through on full volume.

Diandra: Being on tour, how has the audience and their reactions to your music elevated your own perception of your work?

Alexander 23: It has been so cool to see people connect with the music and become fans in real time.  Most people don’t know who I am going into the show which has been an amazing challenge.  It has also give me some insight into which songs connect with people more than others.

Diandra: One thing I noticed on your social media is that you like sneakers, roses, and pizza. On that note: If you could describe love as a pizza: what would it be and why?

Alexander 23: Deep dish with everything on it.  Love is complex and takes time to explore but always leaves you fulfilled.

Diandra: If you could describe music as a rose: which/ how would it be and why?

Alexander 23: Red Rose.  Music will never go out of style.

Diandra: If you could describe social media as a sneaker: how so and why?  

Alexander 23: I’d say social media is a classic sneaker in a horrible color way.  The core of it is good, it connects people and allows people to express themselves, but it is often used maliciously and unproductively.

Diandra: What are the themes we can expect from you in future music? Any upcoming song you are excited about?

Alexander 23: I’m so excited about my new single, “When I Die”, which comes out 4/26!  I want to put intangible feelings into tangible words.  I think “When I Die” is a good start!

For More Information On Alexander 23 Click Here.