Diandra Interviews Jordan Suaste: Nothing Like Self-Love To Inspire Hookup Culture
During The LAMC, I watched panel after panel try to unpack the power of going viral and what being an “artist” means in a time when everyone can open up the Logic Pro and mix a batch of ready-made samples, Jordan Suaste, like many of the artists I have interviewed, is rising through social media, particularly Tik Tok. While some may judge and be befuddled by instafame and how singers start out with 60 second cover songs, artists like Jordan, have mastered what it is to be virally authentic, and have enough of a presence, as a person and songwriter, to be watched on loop. Hence, I got to ask him about his newest single “Hookup Culture,” and how loving himself as made him THE ARTIST for songs about self- love.
Diandra: What do you most love about yourself versus what you most love about others?Jordan: I think that the thing I love most about myself is my integrity. I’m not perfect or anything near it, but I always try my best to be honest and a kind person. As far as other people go, I love and appreciate their kindness. It’s kind of hard to just choose one positive trait that people have, but kindness is always a good starting point! (:
Diandra: “Hookup Culture” is about setting up boundaries. What are you boundaries or deal-breakers for relationships?
Jordan: I think that the most important thing to have for any relationship, not only romantic relationships, is honesty. I believe that without honesty, there is no point to continuing a relationship with someone. No one wants to be around people who are disingenuous. So I guess dishonesty would be a deal-breaker for me.
Diandra: What is a romantic film, book, or series that you think captures Hookup Culture’s vibe?
Jordan: Haha! I literally have no idea. I think that there are many different books/movies that the song could relate too. Basically any story where a character takes charge and ownership over what they want and who they are would work.
Diandra: What about the world/ music world made you feel compelled to write a song about self-love? How do you feel the track elaborate its importance?
Jordan: For a long time I didn’t understand what self love even meant. I thought that it was just something people would preach, but couldn’t ever actually accomplish. but once I practiced it daily and learned what it was actually like to love myself, I realized that I was doing a lot of things that I didn’t actually enjoy. I wasn’t happy with who I was, as an individual, so I made a few changes and became the person that I love/am today. I think that “hookup culture” is just about the realization/ boundary period of my journey.
Diandra: Your songs seem to sing about having virtues. What is one virtue your parents definitely instilled in you as the most important and why?
Jordan: I’m not sure if I would say it’s necessarily about virtues or anything like that. I think that it’s just about respect and having enough respect for yourself to state what you will allow into your life and what you won’t. My parents are both such amazing, strong, capable people and they taught me to never just settle. Set your expectations/and dreams high and never give up.
Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?
Jordan: I have so many memories it’s crazy, but a few of my favorites are all the times I forced my siblings to put on shows for my parents in the living room. No one else ever really wanted to, but I’d make us dance and sing them songs all the time haha.
Diandra: What are 5 facts about you that say, “You don’t know Jordan Suaste if you don’t know….
Jordan: 1. he is an “among us” expert
2. jojopottamus is his “go-to” username
3. he has 4 siblings and they’re all crazy ( according to him)
4. he wants to change the world and has very big dreams
5.he LOVES and I mean LOVES, food
Diandra: You’ve said we are more that our body. If you could describe your heart, mind, and soul with three words each, how would you?
Jordan: It’s honestly hard to describe any one in just 3 words, but I would say that I’m still learning (lets count that as a word) strong, & capable.
For More Information On Jordan Suaste Click Here.