Diandra Interviews Lika Nova: Confronting Life With Music
Music gets you by, without a doubt, and in my interview with Lika Nova’s David and Levy discuss the band’s new single, “Corriente,” and how it embodies the band’s initiative: to make music that helps your confront life by having fun. For them, a song gets you through life’s highs and lows, and they have found the right people in each other to sing to that.
Diandra: What do you see in each other, as persons, that you feel makes you work so well as a band?
David: I think there is a mutual respect that comes with knowing someone for so long. You go through so much together that it, inevitably, transfers into the the music, and you understand and respect each person’s function because it is what leads to your specific sound.
Levy: David always has a clear idea on production, and Josue, who is the drummer of our band, always has the lyrics and captures the emotionality of a song. They are always constant in those functions and it makes everything run better.
Lika Nova – ¿Dónde quedó el amor? (Lyric Video)
Diandra: What do you find, in terms of your personalities, that transfers into your music?
David: I think we are an introverted, very introspective personalities. Since our very beginning, we always wanted to sing about deeper subjects. We wanted to approach love and heartbreak with a different level of profundity, but without forgetting that music is about fun. People want to dance and let go.
Diandra: Is there a specific lesson on life you have learned through music?
David: I think everyone feels lost and gets depressed, and i have seen that music, at certain moments, literally, relieves of your dark feelings. That is what we want our message to be, as well; that music can help you confront what the people and situations that hurt you. It can motivate you to control your destiny rather than letting it be controlled by others.
Levy: I think each of our songs have become apart of the soundtrack to our life. All of our songs capture moments of our life and who we were, which is why our music is our life.
Diandra: Do you feel then that music has taught you to be happier because is a common theme in your songs: the search for happiness?
David: Totally! Music journeys with us. It has been our guide and teacher at different moments in our life. In being our company for our darkest times it, inevitably, shows us to be happy. In moments of heartbreak, like breaking up with your partner, music has always been there for me to help me reflect and understand that time is about the moments you have and not to be bitter once they are gone.
Lika Nova – Sé Que Fallé (Audio Oficial)
Diandra: How has the pandemic influenced your creativity?
Levy: I think we are trying to take the time off, especially separated from each other, to create. We don’t want to see this isolation as a negative, but, instead, as an opportunity to be creative and re-think our projects and how we present them.
David: In times of hardship, music always gets you through, and I find it ironic that, most of our new music, talks about this level of deep loneliness and isolation. These new songs are about how to get through really bad alienation.
Diandra: That being said, do you see your new songs as reflectors of current society?
David: We have always approached topics of social and societal struggles. We didn’t want to just talk about heartbreak because there is more to life. Moreover, we sings to whatever theme comes into our head, and I am sure that, in this time, such themes are going to come into our head. Yet, we have always discusses how, as human being, we want escape and stability. We ant to escape our jobs and regrets, and find some place where we feel we can fit in.
Lika Nova – Corriente (Video Oficial)
Diandra: “Se Que Falle” approaches the theme of acceptance. Is there anything your music has helped you accept?
Levy: I think music has helped us accept routine. I think, in my case, have always found routine boring, and it has helped me find the power of having a set plan or approach.
David: I think music helps you accept people, especially when you are an introvert. For me, music has helped me get rid of that fear that tells you that you can only observe and never be apart of conversation or situation’s or people’s lives. It has made us bolder and more willing to connect with people.
Diandra: Ultimately, what was the inspiration behind Corriente?
David: “Corriente” is about confronting issues by dancing them away. As long as you are active and motivated by your life, then you will not stop living it.
For More Information On Lika Nova: Click Here.