Diandra Interviews Mariami: Keep Your Passion, Miss The Show
Your passion can attract money, but money cannot attract passion. I’ve many things because I get paid to do what I love, but if I didn’t love it, no money in the world could make me. It is hard as an artist to not feel or get blurred by the idea of being a “star;” forgetting that the glam of fame and access were only summoned because, in essence, you really liked to sing. Mariami feels that to her core, which is why her new single, “Miss The Show,” is about letting fear and heartbreak clutch your passion enough to make you forget you do what you love because you love it: not because others will. In our interview, we discuss how passion will always be her biggest motivator.
Diandra; Doing so many “how-to” tutorials, what is the best advice for upcoming musicians that, often, they don’t hear or miss?
Mariami: Be authentically you. Building a world, brand, and following around the things that light your soul up will be the best decision you ever make because you’ll continually be drawing on an endless source of inspiration. It’ll also be genuine and driven by your desires,
from there the options in terms of songs, videos, content, etc is limitless!
Mariami – Beijos
Diandra: What would you say each song in this EP, 6 Songs, says about you in one verse? Attribute a verse from each song to a personalty trait?
Mariami: 1) Beijos – “I wanna bask in light” story of my life. Where there is light is where you will find me!
2) Fit To Heal The Devil – “I swear that he the final test to help me master every level, cuz if
I made it out that hell alive I’m fit to heal the devil” This is about resilience and about a
super character defining moment in my life. Sometimes, when we face a challenge our
only choice is to up-level or BE leveled by the difficulty we face. This song speaks to
those moments when we pass pesky tests the universe hurls our way to see if are truly
made for the big things we are asking for 🙂
3) 22 – “Used to walk around my college campus, Scared of everybody, I was special I was
different, And my talent used to haunt me, Avoiding every conflict but inside I was a
champion, Now my records sound like Percocet, You sound like you on Ambien” – This
song is about feeling different and being haunted by the things that make you feel inferior to others. In my case in college it was a crippling case of anxiety.
I had to go throughA LOT before I healed myself of the avoidant behavior that held me back from living a fulfilled life in alignment with my gifts and my purpose. It’s also about people who take advantage of your kindness or empathy. People who suffer from anxiety are really
sensitive souls, who often get take advantage of because they understand human suffering just a tad more deeply than those who don’t deal with anxiety. This song speaks to a
time in my life when I got taken advantage of, but then came out on top because duh, karma 🙂
4) Boyfriend Boyfriend – “I show you all the ropes, Come and tie the knots, He shows me all
the codes, So I can bust the locks” – This song is about that perfect relationship! When
you find that special person it’s like you complete each other and balance each other
out. So the ropes, knots, codes ,and locks are metaphors! I find all the proverbial ropes
and bust locks, as bae ties all the knots and knows the codes to the locks 🙂 It’s about
that healthy balance we have with one another; it could also be in the context of friendship
5) Million Hearts – “It’s so many million hearts on this earth why did you have to take mine” –
ughhh. This song is about that level of heartbreak that is so massive that you’re just like
why meeeee??? There are millions of hearts on this earth, why mine!??
6) Thank You Thank You Thank You – This song has no lyrics, I composed it during Ableton
production school in Los Angeles in 2019 and I knew it had to be on the EP because
those synths just felt like the dreamy sound of my soul 🙂
Diandra: How did you see this EP as a development or growth from your previous music?
Mariami: I rapped on it. I said things I was afraid to say. I knew it made me uncomfortable, I knew it might make other people uncomfortable – so it was a HELL YES. It was also the first project I played many of the instruments on. I’m playing guitar on Beijos and composed Thank You Thank You Thank You entirely solo. I had panic attacks every day in the studio recording it, which for me is always a sign that I’m stepping through a fear, so I just kept going…
Miss the Show
Diandra: Bringing an ethereal sense to pop, what are the Pop songs that define the genre for you?
Mariami: Oooh good question! All the soul/ pop artists most powerfully define the genre for me.
Frank Ocean’s “Nostalgia, Ultra” is possibly one of the most beautiful albums I have
heard, and anything laced with Ariana Grande or Justin Bieber’s voice is epic for our
generation. “Yummy” by Justin actually rocked the start of my 2020! The instrumental
has such a chill progression and that hook is addictive!
Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory with music?
Mariami: My mom listening to international music! I was exposed to a pretty refined palate of world sounds from a young age. My mom curated a tasteful experience of Buena Vista Social Club, Gilberto Gil, Cesaria Evora, and Djavan and so many more! She’d also harmonize with the lead vocalists while playing the songs and it helped me with ear training and harmony.
Diandra: You sang to your experience as a refugee in “I Survived A War.”How do you see music as a chance to spark compassion?
Mariami: I think we all go through defining experiences that make us more resilient. I’ve always felt like music allows me to share my experience so others can relate and not feel so alone!
Diandra: What is one book, tv show, movie, or piece of art you would love to transfer into a song?Why?
Mariami: Stranger Things, and I’d ask Tame Impala to be my co-writer because it is so vibey!
The synthesizers used in the compositions are nostalgic and remind me of my favorite era,
the 70’s!
Diandra: In honor of “Boyfriend Boyfriend,” what are the deal-breakers for you in terms of dating?
Mariami: Any form of manipulation or an agenda, even if it’s disguised as kind gestures. I feel like if anyone is performing in order to get a controlled outcome it’s a sign of low self confidence.
Diandra: From “Beijos” to “Million Hearts,” you sing to the dreaminess and heartbreak of love. What is the most romantic thing someone has done for you versus you have done for someone?
Mariami: A guy I once dated let me use his recording studio when I couldn’t pay for studio time. To me, that is priceless. He also treated all my friends to really nice bottles of champagne after my show, it was a huge group of people and the gesture was totally not neccessary! As for me, literally everything I do is from the heart so if you’re dating me, every gesture is sincere from the cupcakes I may show up with for no reason to the way I’ll support you and be a rock ifyou’re up against work challenges or career obstacles.
Diandra; Following that question, what is one piece of advice you would give your past self in terms of dealing with a heartbreak?
Mariami: Make space for better! Heartbreak always feels paralyzing but there is so much to learn. Once you explore everything there is to find in that space of growth, know you deserve better and make room for that new person.
Diandra: When you dream for yourself, what is the vision you see?
Mariami: Lately, I’ve been working on being the magnetic and whole person I would want to look up to. I think of all the things I look up to in others, whether it’s style, confidence, command of their business, and I try to be that every day! I also think about the example I would want to set for my kids one day when I’m a mom and focus on creating a business and art I am proud of!Diandra: “22” is a fierce song with calls for power and empowerment. What do you see is the power and empowerment of this crazy year: 2020?
Mariami: Facing all the things we run from. 2020 has
forced us all to a halt, and to come up against all the things we either push down or brush to
the side in an effort to be running a race. I think it’s in facing many of our fears and hidden
shadows that we actually are able to tap into our biggest strengths!