Diandra Interviews Nathy Peluso: Artist As An Identity

When it comes to Nathy Peluso, her style is memorably distinct. She is a one-woman Moulin Rouge bringing forth the sultry, vintage romanticism of this Baz Lurhman spectacular. Her ability to feel like a theatrical work of art, while also being a pop star, makes her fandom’s growth feel unstoppable. From Bad Bunny to Rosalia, an element of surreality is desired, now, from our rising, pop stars, and, in our interview, Nathy Peluso discusses how looking inward has led to her outgoing, stage presence. 

Diandra: You have said “You don’t copy anyone.” How would you define your originality? 

Nathy: It is something that flows from me naturally, and I believe that is the truth for everybody. I think everyone has originality and it is about detecting. Music helps me detect mine. It is has helped find who I am as an individual and detect my roots so as to be myself. 

Diandra: What has music helped you discover about your individuality?

Nathy: It has helped me discover my femininity and my virtue as a woman. My strength. My courage. My rage. My capacity to do anything. It has made me a brave woman. Music has helped me reinforce the best aspects of my personality. I believe music heals, and it has made me self-aware. 


Diandra; If you believe music is healing, then how do you believe it has helped you forgive? 

Nathy: Totally. Music is human. Humanity is an inevitable condition. It is something we must live with and has a million, inevitable aspects that find root in our heart, of which forgiveness is one of them. “Coraje” was a song that I wrote with a lot of frustration about a certain situation. In writing it, I saw so many things clearly. I learned and in learning you are able to overcome. 

Nathy Peluso – Estoy Triste

Diandra: Do you believe there is a separation between who you are as a person versus artist? 

Nathy: It is a natural separation. When I get on stage, I, obviously, become someone more exaggerated and theatrical. I don’t do things that I do in my every life like, I don’t dance everywhere I go. Yet, in the end, I think it is still me. I think it is aspects of me flourishing before people. 

Diandra: So what do you miss about the stage, when you are not on it?

Nathy: The stage is the only place, I think, in the world where I feel at home. It is something that makes me always want to be there. I feel loved and admired up there, which is what we all want from this world. Moreover, I feel like I am fulfilling my purpose for being on this earth, which is to have fun and sing to my people. I think it is inevitable, when you find your passion in life, to not want it. I have become addicted to the stage. 

Nathy Peluso – La Sandunguera

Diandra: So do you think, when you get on stage that you are connecting more with fantasy or reality? 

Nathy: This is a good questions because I think it is both. It is a strong reality because you are causing it. You are present and it strikes you with its intensity. People are singing your songs and watching you and you are making them laugh and dance and sing.Yet, it is a fantasy because this only happens in moments. So you need to learn to live with these two parallels because they are both attractive. 

Diandra: So do you think is it a purity of a reality or a surreality? 

Nathy: Purity! Purity! Purity! I never thought it was anything but pure. When you are singing for your people, the last thing that could happen is an impurity. You are connected with them and the universe. The only thing you can do is flow. There is no time to lie or be mean or act or be anything. It is what it is. 

Diandra: So what has performance taught you to believe about humanity?

Nathy: It has taught me to believe in action. It has taught to believe in what the mind and body have plan in the moment without over-thinking. I think people over-think to much and, on stage, there is no time for that. So it has taught me that impulse can heal, too. It helps you discover aspects of yourself. While you have to be aware of everything on the stage, but, in moments, it becomes a ritual. It is a balance because it helps you manage the moment while being in it. 

Diandra: What has music taught about you in terms of freedom and sincerity?

Nathy: (laughing) This is deep…. Let me think……..Freedom and sincerity are the two fires of my art. I have so much to learn from them. I am constantly learning to work from that humanity, from sincerity, freedom, and humility. I think you need those qualities to be in contact and connected with this world. 

Nathy Peluso – CORASHE (Video Oficial)

Diandra: So do you feel that music has helped you in bettering relationships?

Nathy: This life has you working so much and with little time to be with your loved ones. So what it has done is made me appreciate my time with them and taught me balance. I have learned to value what times takes form you because when you start making money, you start losing time. (she laughs)

For More Information On Nathy Peluso Click Here.