Diandra Interviews Shitbats: Music Madness, Reefer Madness

Shitbats are crazy, but also deeply philosophical and poetic. In essence, they prove to have a higher mind, you don’t only need to smoke some reefer but also see the world around you is a construct. Of course, there are arguments that this might all be a simulation, but, Elon Musk aside, even if this world was a system of game glitches and plots, it would not change that you have every right to topple and top it. In their new album, Guano, Shitbats try to do exactly that by creating a sound and aesthetics that make them appear like a batch of Shitbats flying out of Hell to revamp how people define Heaven. In our interview, we discuss how they did that by defining Ego, a weird trip to Louisiana, and a deep love for limbo parties and guacamole.

Diandra:  How would you define an ego versus a soul? Which one does music bring out in you?

Shitbats: Ego is a construct of reality that helps us survive, the soul is our higher self that connects with all things in the universe. 
Shitbats – Let Me Go (Official Video)

Diandra: What inspired the title Guano, and how did you feel it embodied that album’s essence?

Shitbats: It’s a combination of our two favourite things: guacamole and limbo parties.

Diandra; What are the themes and concepts you approach on the record?

Shitbats: Bliss, ego, greed, fear, star flakes, soul suckers, and living online.

Diandra; What is your favorite myth or movie to turn into a concept record? Why?

Shitbats: An island in the middle of the ocean shaped like a cyclops’ head, in the centre ,the white of it’s eye, is water and the pupil is another island. They say cannibals live there, they say giant bugs roam around like packs of hyenas, but no one really knows. 
Shitbats – Ad Make Sad (Live)

Diandra: Approaching music like a batch of action heroes, if you could describe each member like an action hero, who would they be and why?

Dan (guitar): GI Joe – He has strong brutish arms made for crushing.
Mitch (bass): Ken Doll – He is the most photogenic man in the world.
Strummer (drums): Those sticky stretchy guys you get in .25𝇍 machines – He’s got long gangly arms.
Cat (vocals): Centaur archer lady – She’s fast moving and resourceful, also half horse.
Shitbats – Ego Amigo (Official Audio)

Diandra: What track on the album most embodies each member’s personality why?

Dan: Succubus – He worked in a coal mine where he would swing a heavy hammer
Mitch:  Goodbye Rock Rat – He’s groovy and easy going
Strummer: Ad Make Sad – He hates ads
Cat: Reefer Madness – She loves weed

Diandra: What is your favorite childhood memory of music and family?

Shitbats: Sitting on pappi’s lap and he would pull his dentures out to click along to his favourite songs.

Diandra: All about adventure and lighting fires, what are the things that most embolden you?

Shitbats: A fresh snowfall in a mountain pass.

Diandra: What is the best life advice a family member gave you?

Shitbats: I do not aim with my hand, I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand, I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun, I kill with my heart. 

Diandra: Trying to re-enliven society, what most disappoints you versus what gives you the most hope about the world?

Shitbats: Gatekeepers disappoint us; large statues built before any of us were even born. Their shadows are long and powerful, but everyone just wants to live in peace, leave us all be! People are the hope, people finding their humanity and feeling compassion and passion towards things they really care about.
Shitbats – Reefer Madness (Official Audio)

Diandra: In honor of Reefer Madness, what is your favorite Reefer Tale?

Shitbats: We were down around the swamps of Louisiana when our car broke down. There wasn’t really anything around for miles except a shack by the river. We decided to give the shack a knock in the hopes the swamp dweller inside may know what our car trouble may be. A bow legged man with kind eyes and mutton chops down to his shirt pocket answered the door, and he knew just what was wrong with our car. He told us to have a seat by his fire pit outside and smoke ‘this’ while we waited for him to fix it. 

Well, we did just that, we sat, and we passed around the thing he had given us. It was crudely rolled as if by a creature with no thumbs, the paper was a yellowish green and it smelled like a stain on a motel wall. After the smoking was completed the giggles began. Suddenly, we all realized we had switched places around the fire but none of us remembered moving. Panic struck but so did something much stronger – hunger. We were so hungry, good thing there was something cooking over the fire, what was it? Had we put it there? We may never know what was cooking over that fire but we ate it, and with full bellies the kind eyed gent returned and we were back on our way down the Louisiana highway.

Diandra: What is one truth about love that each of you believe? Why?

Shitbats: We believe that all things serve the beam, don’t try.

For More Information On Shitbats Click Here.