Diandra Interviews Sophia Eris: Bringing Back The 90’s

I love Sophia Eris’ vibe. Her music is pure, unadulterated fun while being intelligently vibrant. It is as if she sees music like a color-coated frequency; running through an ambiance to turn it into a world. With Space Jam as her literal influence, YOU KNOW she creates an out of this world atmosphere with her sound. Ih her interview, Eris discuses her various influences and how they come together to build her originality.
Diandra: You have said you want your music to feel like the soundtrack to Space Jam 2. How do you envision that sound and what about Space Jam, sonically, spoke to you?
Sophia: The Space Jam soundtrack spoke to me because it is one of the greatest soundtracks ever made. The blend of R&B & Hip Hop is perfect and the anthems that were created were similar to the sound that I wanted to exude with the powerful production that Lazerbeak and Bionik possess.
Sophia Eris – “Fanny Pack” (prod. Lazerbeak and Bionik)
Diandra: Working so much, reflection can feel like a rare opportunity. If you can, for a minute, sit back and silently reflect on the last year. What are the first words or images that pop into your head when you do?
Sophia: Healing, friendship, travel, maturity, breakthrough, ocean
Diandra: The 90’s, in particular, have been a heavy influence on you from sound to style. What do you feel that era represents in terms of cultural and social importance?
Sophia: The 90s represented women in black culture, specifically , in the best way I could’ve asked for growing up. From Fresh Prince, Living Single, & Sister, Sister—- to TLC, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Whitney, Aaliyah, Lauryn Hill, etc— I learned how to be fly, strong, sexy, & intelligent. I am very blessed to have grown up in such a gem of an era, and I am proud to be a part of a movement that will inspire the next generation to ascend to the next level of what’s deemed “acceptable”. I’m just all about women feeling truly limitless.
Diandra: You are an Artist, DJ, Radio Host, and MC. Yet, what are some other roles in your life that you find as defining if not more important? What are some roles you wish to pick up?
Sophia: My role as an athlete made a huge impact on the person I am today. I went to college for soccer (which I played for 13 years of my life) up until I was 3 concussions deep & no longer felt like the same player. That pushed me to follow my heart into music which had always been my first love. The work ethic I learned from being on teams for so long definitely rolled over into the role I play within the Lizzo team now.
Sophia Eris – “Who’s Got The Boom” (Official Audio)
Diandra: Your role as a morning show host has been described as “forward- thinking.” What do you see or wish to see in the future of Hip Hop music and culture?
Sophia: I hope to see the “cancel” culture turn into accountability culture amongst artists. I think the more artists take accountability for their own mistakes the greater the next generation will be.
Diandra: As a Gemini, what are the most Gemini qualities about yourself, and how do you think your music displays them?
Sophia: The Gemini qualities that I posses the most are definitely adaptation and communication. This question made me laugh because I feel we Gemini’s have the worst stigma placed on us within the Zodiac by being called “crazy” or “two faced” quite frequently. I find brilliance in both of those stigmas as an artist, by being able to express myself in any way I feel & remain unboxed. I just chase what inspires me.
Diandra: If your 2016 record was about your ego’s death, how do you feel your new music is your spiritual rebirth?
Sophia: I feel 2016 was a combination of me coming into myself & the present is me targeting who I want to be. Confident, free, & powerful.
Diandra: Feel The Burn is all about being proud of you are. What are the qualities about yourself you are most proud of?
Sophia: I am proud of the fact that I was able to build a career off of who I authentically am. I don’t feel like I am forced to be anything else but true, and I am blessed to be able to travel the world and make an amazing living off of it. I’ve created my own trifecta of a path that I haven’t encountered anyone else doing yet, and I just hope I am able to inspire others to do the same.
Sophia Eris – “Feel The Burn” (prod. Lazerbeak and Bionik)
Diandra: In honor of your song Fanny Pack, if you could fill a magical fanny pack with anything in the world, what would it be and why?
Sophia: Haha that’s a great question! I immediately thought of the Mary Poppins bag. She could pull out everything from an umbrella to a tiger in that thing. It would be cool to be able to pull out everything I would need for a studio at any moment! A mic, laptop, speakers, etc. Or even my DJ setup! I could throw a party at any moment!
Diandra: As a Hip Hop superfan, if you could describe your love for Hip Hop like a romance, how would explain your love story?
Sophia: Okay BROWN SUGAR! Haha love that movie! It’s relevant in more ways than one. I’ll always have a love and respect for Hip Hop, & no matter which way the wind blows, it’ll always be there like they’re relationship. I will always be like water with it.
I genuinely enjoyed Sophia Eris’ responses. There is a coolness and inner balance to her that I find is the platform for her sound’s vastness. At times, in life, we feel like balance is never achieved, but that is because we think inner peace is achieved through situations. Instead, it is achieved through our responses to them. Bright, fun, and determined she has realized your life is your path, which is why she can do nothing more than make it her own. YAAAASSSSSS KWEEEEEEN!!!!!! Click Here For More Information On Sophia Eris!