Diandra Interviews Kalisway: Becoming Special K
If 2020 was a year to rethink how you dream, then 2021 is to enact your new way of dreaming. For Kalisway, 2020 was not as earth-shattering compared to others because she always walked the “beaten path.” For those who wonder what that is, it is a term usually associated with those willing go through the trials and bumps of being different. While Kalisway’s sound, as heard in new EP Special K, has been associated with a revival of cool funk, when you speak to her, she will easily say, “It is just her being her,” and, in our interview, we discuss how her bright spirit led her to be fearless way before this terrifying year.
Diandra: Do you feel you landed on your sound?
Kalisway: I think with me, personally, I know exactly what I am trying to share with fans. I know exactly what my sound is, but I know it is going to strengthen. It will get better and you will feel it every time because my ideas are getting stronger. My sound will always be Kalisway forever, but progress is the word for me.
Diandra: The reason I ask is that your sound so unique, and I was talking to an artist who said when it comes to finding your sound “Trust the doubt.” If its uniqueness terrifies you, it probably is the best thing for you. I was wondering if you felt the same?
Kalisway: I think that was my mind when I was 15 or 16. I was not confident in my voice. I didn’t even want to be singing at the time, but I realized this is a lane I am creating for myself. This is my lane, and I am driving it, and it is good. So people are going to latch on to it. At the end of the day, my process is I want this to feel good to me. The music will standout because its me, but if you make that the purpose then it loses its realness.
Diandra: How did you build that confidence?
Kalisway: I just want to be better in every aspect that I can. It was about focusing on what was making me doubt me, even though I liked my songs. It was me trying to see why I don’t show to people my confidence.
Diandra: What about Special K really captures your spirit?
Kalisway: I know I have this high energy. I am always “on.” I truly feel that everyday. It’s not “Oh Kali is putting on!” I feel like Special K was me embracing that and saying, “Yeah! That is me all the time! I am energetic.” I am very charismatic and free-flowing. I never try to put anything in a box, and I am the same way, in my music, that I am in person. I never want to do too much in my music because I am chill. Everything fits.
Diandra: Was the title Special K an homage to the fantastic Kelloggs cereal?
Kailsway: (laughing) A lot of people would think that, but my dad called me that, since I was younger. This EP speaks to me finding what is special about me and proudly displaying that. Special K is a teaser of what is to come: a lot of progress.
Diandra: You have been described as Toronto Funk. Do you feel like you are the upcoming “Funk” scene or you are just like, “Well, if that is what you call me, then I will take it?”
Kalisway: (laughing) I guess you can say that. I will take it, and I don’t have time to have a discussion, especially because that lane is not even being driven. So I do think I am bringing something special. I never feel like I am in a box when I think of genres. I could describe my music to someone, but they are the ones that vibe to it. If it makes them feel good, then all they know is that it makes them happy.
Diandra: Was there a song, in particular, that made things or situations feel clear to you?
Kalisway: When I started “Bumpin,” I was just like, “Wow! I am finally finding my confidence!” I went in there, spoke my mind, and I believed in what I was doing. It was very strong, and I know exactly where I want to go. It was so natural. I knew exactly what the beat had to be and the chords. I knew exactly how I wanted it to feel. All the other tracks, it is about learning to be better and seeing when you have to take away versus add.
Diandra: Do you think, with all that we’ve gone through, 2021 will be all about groovin?
Kalisway: I think people are ready to jump out of their seats. People are tired, but they do want things to be better. They don’t want to think, all the time, about what is happening. There are days that are not as bright as the other ones, but I, definitely, think there will be songs that are about lifting.
Diandra: Another thing that has changed from 2020 is the sort of command, for artists, to get more political and be outright with where they stand morally? You think that should stick?
Kalisway: I think it will stick. I don’t know if it should, depending on certain people, you don’t want everything to turn conflictive, but I do think people should be able to have their opinions. But it’s not like it should be, “Okay! Now we all need hop onto social media and say everything we think and give all our political opinions!” Still, I think it will stick and it should.
Diandra: I’m in agreement, but I do feel, like sometimes, we think people are being silent because they are scared but it could also be because they are stupid. Don’t underestimate how many people just don’t have the brain. You know: 2+2= 9. Still….
Kalisway: (laughing)
Diandra: If music was a lover, what would you say it provides you?
Kalisway: So much hope! So much support! So much strength! So much compassion! So much faith in that something good is going to happen to me! It never fails me because it believes in me. I have friend I will never lose. It is a really good, loyal friend.
For More Information On Kalisway Click Here.