Diandra Interviews Tatiana Hazel: Singing For What Is Right
So many times, in this world, the right thing has not been popular and social justice was considered “unfashionable.” In essence, in a world where people aim to be powerful and cool, where do more valuable virtues like, kindness, happiness, peace, and justice stand in such a spectrum? For Tatiana Hazel, winner of LAMC’s Discovery Artist, such virtues are above anything, which is why she tries to place them in everything, including this interview. A fashion designer turned independent artist, her new album Duality feels like sonic fabric to be gorgeously worn upon your ears, and, in this interview, we discuss the record and her activism.
Diandra: How is quarantine life?
Tatiana Hazel: It has been really difficult. The pandemic, personally, has been okay because I am pretty introverted; so not seeing a lot of people has been okay. For me, seeing all the police brutality and all that is happening to the Black Lives Matter Movement that has been more difficult for me to see.
Diandra: What does resuming life as an artist mean then with all this happening?
Tatiana: Well, it is not going back to normal, and that is the point of everything that is happening right now. There are specific things that we are protesting for, but there are also long-standing pains that we are fighting against. It is not just having no inclusivity or diversity, especially in the industry. It is also the need to relearn or learn for the first time how to make people of color feel comfortable. It is not just about hiring us, but letting us in as apart of the culture. It is going to be a process, but I am glad it is starting now.
Tatiana Hazel – “IN MY ROOM” (Official Lyric Video)
Diandra: There are some artists that feel pressure to “represent” because they are labeled as a “Latin Artist” or “Queer Artist” and others who see it as an honor and don’t mind? What do you feel?
Tatiana: For me, it is not something that sets me apart. It doesn’t feel like I am going out of my way to represent anything. I speak on what I want to speak about, and I think I stand out in those ways by simply existing. I think of myself as an equal to anyone else, regardless of being a woman, Latina, and queer. So, on a personal level, it does not phase me because I, personally, define myself as a businesswoman and musician.
Diandra: So how do you feel Duality is representative of the time?
Tatiana: Every song is a different topic, and it is a lot different than anything else I have released. I am used to writing about relationships and love; I love old school, love songs. Yet, with duality, I talk about different topics like, mental health or “Sex Appeal,” which is about the feeling you need sex appeal to survive in the music industry. These are topics I never get to talk about, and I really got to incorporate different topics. Genre-wise, some are really light-hearted and some are really intense.
Diandra: You are a fashion designer, and have even designed for Kali Uchis and Girl Ultra. How is the construction of a fashion design similar to composing a song?
Tatiana: For me, they have always gone together. They are both forms of self-expression. On a daily basis, I always dressed according to what music I am listening to that day. The same thing goes when I am making music. If I am setting a more disco, 70’s vibes, I will pull fabrics and outfits from then.
Tatiana Hazel – Don’t Care (Official Video)
Diandra: How do your songs represent how you see love?
Tatiana: For me, it is about having people around me that love and care about as much as I care about myself. It is about trust, and making sure that, if we break up, there is no spitefulness. A lot of my break-up songs are about focusing on the positive. They are about learning from people, and realizing just because “we” didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean there can’t be some form of respect for or learning from what we had. Love is always a learning experience, and every relationship allows to gain understanding through personal connections.
Diandra: Do you then see the music industry gaining more of a personal connection to artists and what they offer?
Tatiana: It is about seeing and understanding what is really important and hoping people come into music industry for the right reasons. Some of my friends who have become really successful, we do music because it is our passion. They did not get into this business for personal gain.
Diandra: What do you most love about yourself?
Tatiana: My perseverance. Even through this pandemic, I have been alone for months in LA, and I am really okay with myself. I like that quality about myself. I like that I am okay with myself and that I will never quit. I left myself no other option because this is what I am passionate about. Music is really hard, and everyday I think, “I am insane for doing this,” and the same thing goes for business. But I am passionate about my message and what success means to me.
Tatiana Hazel – Can’t Help But Notice (Official Video)
Diandra: How would you define success?
Tatiana: Happiness, and finding your purpose to bring happiness to others. It is about knowing that you want to spread your message and represent an underrepresented community. Growing up ,I was so exposed to so much, and the culture of Chicago, specifically for me, was my main influence. The people I was surrounded by became my inspiration in song and style and happiness.
Diandra: Any final thoughts?
Tatiana: A lot of people have a hard time figuring out what they can do to help others. For me, it is through music, and I always work with fellow artists of color. It is about finding ways to diversify, as one person, and realizing that means so much.
For More Information On Tatiana Hazel Click Here.
Tatiana Hazel – Hasta Que (Official Audio)