A Music Diary: Where Did The Time Go? (Includes Playlist)

Alright, I have made what is, probably, my most eccentric and eclectic playlist to accompany of what I hope to keep up: a music diary. These past three weeks of the pandemic have been, particularly, crazy because of how they played with time. Days, seemingly, flow into each other, even when it is dark or light outside. Somehow, it just all seems the same, which is why my first playlist is called: “Where Did The Time Go?”

On this playlist, you will find about 40 different artists, from rising to new, that should be on your radar. Sonically, it goes across all genres because, if you are like me, this pandemic has made you a manic biyotch (lol!). One minute, I want to jazzercise the next I want to stay in bed and listen to sad songs. Sometimes, it gets really hard and then there are rushes of creativity. There are moments when it feels too sad or stressful to get work done or feel productive, particularly after you have watched the news or scrolled through social media to find Rugrats is trending just below 10,000 dead. Even Twitter, can’t keep up with the fun and traumatizing that this time period one because, sometimes, you can either use time to discover new pieces of you or you use it to confront the same old, tired parts.


I don’t know this time period will end, but I know the world will different. My hope is that whatever change comes it leads to light because that is one thing I have realized, even more, that we need. Hope you enjoy these artists and that you find, at least one, new one to love and make you feel bright through this playlist. Stay safe and healthy!