Album Review: Carol C Is An Electronic Soul In Seven

Carol C’s Seven is defined as electronic soul. Beyond synth melodies and digitized rhythms, it feels anchored in the many night a young woman looks outside her window and asks, “Is this it?” You may laugh at such a notion, but every woman/ person asks herself if her life is fulfilling, and whether she is satisfied with her goals for love, career, and health. Hence, Seven is Carol C’s observance of herself. 

From her Latina roots to her wine-fueled opuses to love, life is a vast ride, in part, because we are our own destination. There is no “magical place” to arrive to as much as a conclusion that “being you” is the only state you need to arrive to. Hence, songs such as “All My Love,” “Looking For,” and “The Sun” feel like synth symphonies on how you give yourself to others so freely compared to how you give yourself to you. In essence, how many times have you told a person what you needed or wanted from them versus telling such things to yourself? 

Carol C – Hide Away (Official Music Video)

Carol C’s writing style has been described as a paradox of optimism and hopelessness, which she emotes through her voice. Throughout her new album, there is a feeling of being, simultaneously, lost and found. From “Hide Away” to “Point of You,” she is observing “the chicken or egg” of love. Do we our relationships build us or do we build our relationships? With a voice that rains in notes as if emotions can either pour or drizzle from a heart, Seven is Carol C’s new rebirth for the songstress and a hopeful manifestation of her spirit. To Buy Carol C’s Seven on July 12 Click Here.