The Imprint: Life Coaching For Artists- Episode 1: The Fated Life Vs Destiny
This is the best and worst time to be an artist. There is absolutely no guarantee of tomorrow, more than ever, which was always the foundation of becoming an artist: no guarantee. You are not guaranteed to be a star, get paid, and become the most on demand being in the planet. Of course, many, choose to join this world because of that potential, but, for others like me, it’s the only thing that always came through, like destiny. It was our soul’s foundation, and surviving this industry was just about figuring out how it was our purpose.
There are moments in our life that are destiny, and there are moment we simply make apart of our fate. When you have a talent that makes you feel so good, when you use it, it’s hard not believe it is our calling. Yet, the artist’s journey is filled with times when we felt uncalled back. There are so many instances of doubt and fear that it gets confusing deciphering whether you are “on your path” or re-routing it out of stubbornness because you want to do what you want. Perhaps, that is what separates artists from other singers and musicians; you know you love something when you do everything to stay in love with it, even if that means leaving the industry.
It is a hard journey to make your passion your profession, and stopping that journey does not make your passion any less valuable or your talent any less worthy to see. Moreover, staying on that journey and persevering does not make you foolish or signify desperation. Both courses are choices and journeys made by love for love. Yet, if there is one thing that love is, it is unlimited. It is a constant rediscovery, and do not let the confusion of your journey make you forget that, technically, you are at you destination: you. Your love for music is your home, and wherever you go from that “home” are just the places you visit in hopes to fill it more with love.
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