Theatre Review: Word. Sound. Power Hits A Beat At Bam
From April 7 to 9, watching Sound. Word. Power reminded me of Def Jam Poetry or NuYorican Poet’s Cafe, and the necessity to hear marginalized voices speak in truth and treasure. In a world so loud, perhaps the best way to, actually, have a voice is to have a verse. Thematically, the 3 night event felt like an analysis to love and power, and the wonder we all have….. if Love is Power….. is Power Love?
As each poet, singer, rapper, and dancer perused the stage with words that inspirited their crowd to cheer, dance, and even speak on how moved they were, when the audience was asked, the night felt like water to everyone’s soul. It may sound cheesy but people were so grateful to feel like their lives were theirs again. Admittedly, between the news and social media, it is hard for us to find our voice. It can be emotionally bombarding and mentally confusing, especially for someone like myself, the lived for compassion and with kindness. It is not that “good people” do not see the bad of this world; it is that they choose to approach it with a different tactic. These artists do not fight sword with sword but instead with word: AMYRA
Drew Drake
Dizzy SenZe
Jade Charon
Think of it this way! In a gun fight, they bring roses. You can say,”Are you insane? Do you not see the potential danger?“ Yet, when you are fighting for peace, you enter with peace. From breathing exercises to spirituals, it was hard not to take these shows as reassessments on what matters. In a world where our physicality and material access is weaponized against us, Word. Sound. Power wanted to take back our power, and that you do via your spiritual, mental, and emotional value.
Walking away, I had a very potent hope that this series could become regular at BAM; monthly event that offered poets throughout the tri-state an opportunity to not only speak up but speak out in song and rhythmic beats about how so many of us feel without a rhythm or song. Seeing their confidence, perceptiveness, and tenacity to have both really motivated people to see their lives as something they control rather than dementing controlled by someone else. To see the AMAZING LINE-UP AT BAM CLICK HERE.