TV Review: Titans Season 4 Is Darker And Denser

Watching Titans Season 4, it felt slower, grimmer, and oddly more immersive. If there is one things I oddly enjoyed and hated about prior seasons is that they felt stacked in color, drama, and plot lines that were not always, smoothly intertwined. Yet, the colorful clunkiness of the show held its charm. Still, Season 4 feels more like a comic book.

Personally, I’m not always a fan of ¨dark¨ shows or adding extra seediness to a tv show´s darkness. Yet, the layer of mysticism has brought a clarity to the show. Its narrative feels more paced, and spaced enough to let characters breathe and grow together. Personally, I always felt like prior season gave me glimpses of our leads that were cool enough to make me pull for them, but not necessarily know them. In a way, I felt like the show was relying on fans to know their character beforehand, but the introduction of new characters like Franka Potente´s Mother Mayhemand Joseph Morgan´s Brother Blood felt like needed balm for a show that could be as chappy as lips with consistency.

Morgan absolutely EATS as Brother Blood (no pun intended). He is absolutely gut-wrenching as a good man wrapped into a supernatural world he never knew of and is destined to wickedly embody. You almost want to join Rachel (Teagan Croft) in her growing protectiveness of him, as nobody understands being doomed quite like her or her beloved Gar (Ryan Potter), whom is also feeling vulnerable these days. In fact the feeling of always getting the short-end of the stick, when it comes to family, is absolutely integral to giving us the close-knit bond we have been desiring from our team of heroes.

It is hard not to feel like prior seasons were about a group of people working together; their loyalty more to causes than each other. Yet, there is an inherent warmth to choosing to love a group of people, especially when characters like, Lex Luthor (Titus Welliver) appear to embody ¨child who never got a birthday hug¨ energy. Admittedly, his appearance and that of Star Labs felt like the coolest, most useless aspect of the season like, thunder that did not land, even if it gave us some kickass Starfire (Anna Drop) scenes or Dick (Brenton Thwaites) getting his daddy on by consoling Connor (Joshua Orpin) through his paternity journey. The truth is Morgan steals the show.

If the addition of these villains proves anything, it is that time matters. The quiet moments between characters and themselves make us fall in love with them and take their journey as our own. Hence, Season 4 is darker, denser, but it also dazzles with its humanity, even if its really gory. Titans Season 4 Is On HBO MAX now.