Concert Review: The Future IS Reyna


Children change our lives. Pandemics reroute peoples self concepts. New York measures whether either of those things or anything transforms us into who we want to be. I’ve followed Reyna for years, and they have changed, but into the most exciting version of themselves. There comes in time after years of grinding and hoping where being you becomes effortless and golden, which can describe the NYC Berlin performance.

First, I have to really admire the artists that have had babies while ¨on the rise.¨ Gaby from Reyna, Bishop Briggs, and even Cardi B became moms in a time where their careers was rising, and proved motherhood does not cut you from your dreams….. its the people that do not believe you should have them that do. Introducing new music, and classics, Reyna´s growth as performers and lyricists comes from their embracing of dreams as fuel and not something that you battle to believe in or work against others to achieve. They make dreaming danceable, intimate, and fun, which is what they are supposed to be.

Berlin is a small space, (which my claustrophobia and fear of dimly lit rooms just adores!) Yet, it is a typical place for dreamers. Several bands cross its tiny stage in hopes that with a lot of luck and a few more leaps they strut the big ones. Reyna will, for sure, because they reveal dreams are not about where you land, but how you fall. I have have had many dreams, and, in perspective, though many did not come true, I realize now they lovely to feel and envision. From ¨Coachella¨to ¨you could have at least said goodbye¨I got that feeling and it was joyous.

As a critic, you always try to predict the future of music. In truth, it is a human act, but, when you review music, it gets bolder. I have said that the future of music lies in its depth, which means long, lush odes to feelings: think Omar Apollo’s Evergreen as the new Don Mclean´s American Pie. Okay, that is a lot, but what I am trying to say is that the past becomes the future because artists are all linked to one thing: dreaming. So I predict Reyna will be apart of another future rise that includes disco styles and 80s inspire synth-pop extravaganza that balance Sad FM tracks to give the world it other desire/need: to hope and celebrate.