TV Review: Five Reasons Why I Already Love Broad City Season 4 (MILD Spoilers!)
The upcoming season of BROAD CITY IS COMING PEOPLE! To celebrate, I marvel on what I love and what to expect from these NYC, Millennial femmes that show nothing like a best friend to get you through hard times.
1)Stress, Depressed, And Poor
God, I think those three words define nearly every Millennial in New York, to which even Ilana has upped her anti-depressants. By Episode 2, Abbi and Ilana represent the broke lifestyle of luxury that we, Millennials, live. From treating “waitress” tips like they could fund a P.Diddy video to feigning for a Drew Barrymore heater, every poor Millennial will understand A & I’s mindset that rich people can suck, but we all still wish we were rich. The show continues to show how class dynamics define how you handle everyday things like long, Obama themed acrylic nails, white guilt, and dead pussy. Yes, even vaginas are struggling in Broad City to feel happy in this Trumpian era. #coochietherapy
2) Trump Is A Curse Word
The Broad City Mavens have already said they will bleep out the word Trump, but this fact or, at least, its effect is a build throughout the oncoming season. We all know that these girls do not mind dropping words your grandmother would clutch her pearls to, which is why adding Trump as a bad word feels casual. It does not hold the weight of Lord Voldemort, but being a sexual assaulter certainly makes the name cringe-worthy.
3) Friendship Is Destiny
From a permanent declaration of love for Oprah, a Bevers we have never seen before, and the return of Jaime in a new role to Ilana beyond roommate and friend, Episode 1 shows how Abbi and Ilana met and could have met. You pretty much have it confirmed that Abbi and Ilana were destined to be friends. No matter what course they take, even in, literally, meeting each other, Abbi and Ilana always make the other’s day better. The episode’s note is both hilarious and heartwarming, and as the season progresses Broad City proves that it stands out as a show because of its unabashed empowerment of women.
4) Witches Are F**KING FIERCE
Broad City is a casual love letter to Women’s empowerment, and it all derives from Abbi and Ilana’s friendships; along with the various women that cross their path. It is clear that this season, especially episode 3, the writers/ creators want to make a hilarious, but poignant note that a woman who owns her female power is a witch, and that is magically fantastic. Getting older and more confident as a woman, even if it means owning your grey hairs, should not be the reason that you are publicly burned, but should be the reason why you end up dancing with your period and your ladies in Central Park. #imstillwithher
5) Relationships With Men Never Get Easier, But You Might?
From seeing “the one that got away”,Ilana and Lincoln, at a party while you have leotard issues to assuming a 6 day relationship is a legit coupling, Abbi, the Broad City gals are still struggling to find love. Yet, more importantly, they are trying to see whether they want it? At least, right now? What I love about Broad City is that it treats sex as a pleasure for women as much as it is for men, while also seeing relationships are a serious step to thoughtfully consider. Expect the upcoming season to further that, for women, what she be most important is their self-love. From body positivity to simply being a good person, how you treat yourself and your friends is what matters and, ultimately, leads to how you treat a future partner. Broad City Season 4 Premieres On Comedy Central On September 13.