TV Review: Three Clues You Missed As To Why Jon Snow Is Destined To Sit On The Iron Throne
Game of Thrones has come and gone, and Jon Snow’s heritage has FINALLY been revealed, at least, outwardly. If there is one thing GOT should be proud of is its domination of foreshadowing. Completely coping from George R.R. Martin’s affinity for this literary device, Jon Snow’s lineage has alway been apparent, and his destiny to sit on the iron throne has been alluded since Episode 1.
Clue #1: Kill The Messenger
Leave it to the Greeks to give the best mythological plot device; killing the messenger. In this case, it was Ned Stark. The constant aversion to Jon Snow’s parentage was a sign that it was highly important, and Lyanna Stark’s consistent ghosting through conversations and flashbacks about her was another proof that out boy, Snow, was her baby and her “kidnapper”/ actual love of her life was the Baby Daddy. Congratulations, Rheagar! You have ANOTHER son called Aegon.
Clue #2: It is all in the name
The reason Rhaegar Targaryen called each of his sons Aegon was because he believed/ really wanted them to be “ The Prince That Was Promised”, a prophecy of a Prince that would unite all in love, peace, and harmony. AWWWW! The judgement is out iif “The Prince That Was Promised” is Azor Ahai, the Lightbringer, or rather that is the name of his sword. Ahai would rise to defeat the cold darkness, i.e. The Night King, wake dragons, and unite the kingdoms. The intriguing thing about this prophecy, at least, in terms of the show is that Azor Ahai is both genderless and can be plural when said. We already know Daenerys woke the dragons, but we also know they love them some Jonny Targaryen. Thus, maybe there is a Prince and Princess to bring light back to the 7 kingdoms. Azor Ahai is meant to make even Death, i.e. The Night King bend the knee, and make the world unite in a new, brighter “summer”. If Azor Ahai is The Prince than The North will only unite with the 7 Kingdoms if they have a fellow, Northerner they trust like, maybe, the one they picked to be king? Moreover, my money is on Jon to sit on the throne because of the very visions Daenerys and Cersei have had.
Clue #3: You Can Dream of The Throne, But You Cannot Touch It.
Back in Season 5, Cersei met with Maggy The Frog, who told her that she would bury all three of her children, and be killed by her little brother. Thus, Jaime and Tyrion, you guys discuss amongst yourself who will do it? Yet, she also mentioned that she will be replaced by a beautiful, younger queen, i.e. Daenerys. We already know that Jon has already declared her his queen. Moreover, back in Season 2, Daenerys entered the House of The Undying where she saw the Iron Throne. Two things are interesting about this scene. For one, it is snowing over the Iron Throne, of which Daenerys approaches it, and just when she is about to touch it, she walks away to be reunited with Khal Drogo and their would be son, Rhaego. To me, this is symbolism at its finest. Snow on the throne- Check She gets close, but never touches it- Check. Yet, what I find intriguing about this scene is what it alludes for Dany. She leaves the throne to have a dreamed “goodbye” with the family she could have had. Thus, Jon Snow will sit on the throne, but Dany can sit right beside him and make beautiful, Targaryen babies. After the last episode, Jon mentions to Dany that the witch that told her she was barren could have been lying. Yet, let me focus on what the witch or rather Mirri Maz Durr said,
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.
I do not know about the “sun rising and setting” business, but if we are talking about stars and weather, the fact that King’s Landing snows for the first time in the last episode makes me think of this line along with the Azor Ahai prophecy. According to legend, “after a long summer, when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world.” Suddenly, the sun is gone in the sunniest of locales? Hmmmmm…. Next, we see The Night King blowing through the wall like, “mountains in the wind like leaves”. Of course, I could be stretching, but the thing about prophecies is that they are inherently symbolic and unclear. You only truly “figure” them out while they are happening so you can be left saying, “Oh, so that is what they meant?”. Still, I find it intriguing that while all these weird, supernatural events are happening, Jon and Dany decide to have silent, boat sex. Could it be that as the prophecy quickens so will her womb? Thus, even if Jon, whether Jon is The Prince That Was Promised, Azor Ahai, or both can be up for grabs. Yet, if he and Dany unite to make a new song of ice and fire, it could be their child that is “The Prince That Was Promised” because Then he will return, and not before.
LEAVE YOUR THEORIES IN THE COMMENTS! I love to discuss and learn about GOT.