Album Review: Young Galaxy Give You Cosmic Nightlife In Down Time

Young Galaxy are true to their name in their new album: Down Time. Imagine lounging on Jupiter’s beach or sitting and reading a good book on Pluto. How about clubbing on Saturn’s rings or having a wine and dine near the Milky Way? Young Galaxy are giving you “space Nightlife” in their new record.

Down Time is a swift, skyrocket into EDM that is not as much about blasting your head off with baselines as much as moving your body with synths and analogs. Young Galaxy have digitized life-forms so that songs like, “Show You The Valley”, ‘“Frontier”, and “Elusive Dream” sound like radio-waves airing the better times possible in alien worlds. Yet, they also reveal to your mind that a place is a construct. You cannot help but feel the power of building a starry location in your mind as you hear “Under My Wing” to “Glowworms”. While you are definitely interplanetary when it comes to soundscape, but Catherine McCandless gives an element magical realism.

McCandless’ voice is a spell. She can turn earth into power, or in Young Galaxy’s case, a cosmos into dynamite. Suddenly, in every sun, moon, and supernova, itself, are at the cusp of your hand begging for you to move with them in the same way McCandless has moved them. She has a voice that sills and streaks lyrics for their strobed adrenaline. After all, YOU ARE IN SPACE! No bad romance can get you down because gravity is gone! (Ha!) Yet, the notion promotes the floating energy of this record as one that should be heard in your down time; when your mind and body need a jolt. For More Information On Young Galaxy and To Buy Down Time on April 6 Click Here.