Album Review: Bad Child Ask You To “Sign Up” To Love Him

From the minute I heard Bad Child’s voice, I felt like a good kid. His vocality is so rich it should be named a natural resource. Sonically, his upcoming EP, Sign Up, which comes out August 16, feels like NF, The Weekend, and Gabriel Garzón-Montano decided to unite forces and become a super-hero trio called MOOD. Together, they alter people’s vibes setting tones that range from sensual to sad. While this feels like my music, DC dream, I know the closest I will get to it is through his EP.

The Toronto native proves that the “coolest” thing you can be is different. Think of the biggest artists out today, from Drake to Miley Cyrus, and you will see musicians that are talented and eccentric. In perspective, this seems logical. Artists are notoriously weird/ unique, but it is their embracing of this truth that makes for music’s surpassing of genre. Instead, Bad Child feels like an aesthetic; changing sounds like one would their clothes to style their day. It is a perfect image when you hear songs such as, “Breathing Fire,” “Deeply In Love,” and “Picking Cherries.” He understands that if music is an emotional experience, then the “genre” does not matter. The sound has to be tied to the sentiment. 


From “Payback” to “Flowers,” Sign Up proves why there is so much hype around Bad Child. He feels “popular.” His voice might as well be “that kid” going down the high-school hall to high-five everyone. His ability to make difference the key to coolness, once again, makes sense.The most memorable people were unlike any other, and as he flows from songs to a spoken word flare, Bad Child teaches listeners that finding love is about finding someone willing to be different with you. Someone willing to take out social pressures and self-consciousness to wear their heart on their sleeve like a new fashion trend. Click Here  For More Information On Bad Child And To Buy Sign Up On August 16 Click Here. 

BAD CHILD – Breathing Fire