Album Review: Björk Shows Modern Love Is An Android Fantasy In Utopia

Utopia plays to love in an Android. It was as if Björk took every form of technology that we use, and turned it into a a kaleidoscope on love. Frankly, how we find, treat, and manifest love has completely thank to the techno-wave of the past 30 years, which explains why Björk has aggrandized the scope of sound.
björk: blissing me

Nowadays, you can fall in love with a man oceans away through texts, set up a date and potential marriage through DM’s, and scroll through posts and pictures like a menu of attraction. Of course, there is good and bad to this new form of communication, but, to Björk, Utopia is an observance not a judgement. Instead, she paints her sounds and lyrics like they were visual, cosmic landscapes emanating from your iPhone, and the result is both gorgeous and modern. Choirs sing as Björk repeats certain verses that land on you like the final drop in an ocean. She quakes “I care for you” in The Gate, whimpers through the madness of “Features Creatures”, and softly glazes her voice on the twinkled “Blissing Me”. Each builds a magic that, though technological in base, radiates like a Guillermo Del Toro film has been made into an app; think The Shape of Water meets Bumble. Her blending of sonic worlds that no one could even dream, let alone, imagine together, makes the album’s listen an experience. It goes beyond the tethering of “good” and “bad” to become art. Moreover, it has worthy commentary on the lightness/ optimism of love that still remains despite the vastness of our network/ bandwith.
Björk: The Gate

Some say that love has become harder in the modern era, but I think it has become more open to being selective. Yes, that could mean that it has become “harder”, but that also can signify that it has become smarter. People are not falling for the same people they would have before. They want adventure and have more requirements for their heart that technology allows them to, literally, list. Hence, as each instrumental is arranged like codes splashing across your love screen, you realize it is not that love has become “bigger” in the modern era, but, instead, you have realized how much smaller you are to it. Yet, for Bjork, this is not a bad thing. The beauty of her album in sound and heart is that Utopia is about accepting how universally small you are to love, but yet, somehow, you manage to fit and find yourself in how big it is. For More Information On  Björk And To Buy Utopia Click Here.