Album Review: Brazilian Girls Ignite Fun In Let’s Make Love

Brazilian Girls’ new album, LET’S MAKE LOVE, feels like the wild night out you have been DYING to have. Every song is shocked with an energy that says, “F*CK IT! I’m having FUN TONIGHT AND IT”S WITH YOU!” Such an energy seems befitting as this is their first album in 10 years.

There is an ethereal romanticism to Let’s Make Love that floats through the album to make you see that love lies in the night. In perspective, it makes sense. We, often, reunite or fall in love with someone as we seem them in the night: after our daily duties. It could be why lead singer Sabina Sciubba swears to “Go Out More Often”, commands “Bella Baila”, and promotes being “Impromptu”. She uses her voice like dance steps pacing and floating into the emotional moves she must make in her relationships to build a physical connection.

Body function can be a spiritual reflection, and, in a relationship, if two bodies are not touching it means their hearts are not either. Thus, Let’s Make Love, is a joyous, electronic reminder that no one hugs, kisses, or makes love to someone without feeling fun and light beforehand. From “LML” to “Woman In Red” or “Looking 4 Love”, Brazilian Girls prove they are the epicenter of experimental pop. Their soundscapes are like sweet chaos or a candy shop exploding with treats; to press play is to open the doors to droves of synth-waved melodies that swim like Swedish Fish or roll like chocolate Rolo’s. When combined with Sabina’s dominating, yet delightful vocality, Let’s Make Love seems like an undeniably delicious order.

Let’s Make Love is sonically bright, crisp, and igniting in its motivation to make you seek out a happy love life. In romance, it is not about finding a partner as much as finding a companion; a lover that, even in their differences, makes you feel equal in might and open to good times. For More Information on Brazilian Girls and to buy Let’s Make Love On April 6 Click Here.