Album Review: Meg Myers Transcends To “Take Me To The Disco”

Desire defines humanity, and Meg Myers’ Take Me To The Disco appeals to the darkness of wanting escapism. We all have instances when we really wish to be another person, go to another place, and completely pretend like all that we have known was an illusion. For some, it is who we are in our fantasies that is truly us, and Meg Myers understands that dynamic.

Take Me To The Disco is sexy and sullen; like a beautiful gown stained by wine. Its beauty feels marked, which is EXACTLY what Myers was going for. “The Death of Me”, “Jealous Sea”, “Funeral”, and “Little Black Death” are all prime examples of Myers attraction to “inner deaths”; a term I use to describe the tiny moments when our heart feels crushed by its helplessness in a situation. Perhaps, that is why her instrumentals fuzz and press like a hand reaching into the looking glass. They build a dreaminess around her ethereal voice as she delivers some greyed verses.
Meg Myers – Numb [Official Video]

From “Numb” to “Sweet Liar,” Meg Myers’ voice is gorgeously drained. Somehow, this songstress has managed to fuse exhaustion into her supple vocals to vividly paint how tired people are of their life, relationships, and their behaviors. If anything Take Me To The Disco is like the journal someone writes after they have awoken from a long slumber, and now are readying to move on from their bed. Thus, you absorb Myers’ voice like water after a long desert ride; eager to feel quenched by someone who realizes how much you have traveled to still feel lost.

Meg Myers – Jealous Sea [Audio Only]

“Jealous Sea” Available now – Pre-Order “Take Me To The Disco” Available July 20th Instagram:… Facebook:…

I love Take Me To The Disco. Myers record is moody, electric, and feels beyond genre because she went straight for emotion. Ultimately, music is a sentimental experience and more artists, like Meg Myers, are going for the “alternative” or “indie” sound because these words are blankets. They simply mean too original to be typical, and Take Me To The Disco, out July 20, is exactly that. For More Information On Meg Myers And To Buy Take Me To The Disco Click Here.