Album Review: Melody’s Echo Chamber Wish You “Bon Voyage”

A lysergic sound event that’s sparse one moment and frantic the next. YES, PLEASE! Melody’s Echo Chamber’s Bon Voyage is like Arabian Deserts meets the Parisian nightlife. You feel warped into a twisted, surreal club scene where romance is born under Moroccan stars and Eiffel Towers.

Melody’s Echo Chamber is one of my favorite artists. Melody Prochet is unabashedly strange and beautiful in her soundscapes; arranging her instrumental like neon snakes slithering and charming through sand. Yet, like a snake, there is a bite to them, which comes from her juxtaposing sounds. Backward looping and vocoders with acoustic instrumentation and arabesque ululations, Melody’s voice appears almost mythical and haunting; like a queen fury seducing you through soprano notes.

“Quand Les Larmes D’un Ange Font Danser La Neige,” “Desert Heart”, and “Cross My Heart” bounce around as if they guitar were a bonfire, and Melody’s voice is happily adorned in a kaftan of jewels. With each swirl of a note, her ruby voice glistens in the fires of her dancing love. Lyrically, Melody makes love feel like a non-stop body motion running through your soul. As if the virtue is, actually, an eternal dance party, and a loss of rhythm is trivial when the goal is to keep moving. It is an intoxicating thought that she delivers with a gypsy wildness.

Bon Voyage is an album to turn on and tune out. From its beginning, you could do the “dance of the scarves” as Melody wistful, higher register reminds up that love is an up and down, but, at least, it takes you places. For More Information on Melody’s Echo Chamber An To Buy Bon Voyage Click Here.