Album Review: Nadia Reid’s “Out of My Province”

Love does push you out of your comfort zone. Often, we discuss our relationships like they are spiritual, sofa mattresses we lie upon when the world can’t stop tearing us down. Yet, nothing can “tear you up” quite like love, and I don’t mean that badly. Love makes you grow, and Nadia Reid’s Out Of My Province has her singing to feeling out of her comfort but into her heart more than ever.

Vocally, Reid feels like she coped through her prior record, Preservation, and marked everything that worked for her. She has a voice that, the lighter the note, the more powerful her lyrics feel. From “High & Lonely” to “I Don’t Wanna Take Anything From You,” Nadia’s voice ebbs and flows like jazz; she is using her vocality to emote how painful to feel aged by love and wonder if there is ever an age where it settles and heals you rather than enamors and breaks you.

As a woman, the album is palpable and relatable with its brisk observance of what it is to be growing and seeing your relationships as defining. Sonically, if her prior record felt earthy in its tones, Out of My Province feels more ethereal. Grabbing his folk-roots and sprouting them to the sky so as to support Nadia maturer thoughts on love. The result is a record that shines as one of the best in 2020 so far. For More Information On Nadia Reid Click Here.