Album Review: Frankie Cosmos Has Haunted Items

Frankie Cosmos’ Haunted Items 1-4, actually, feels haunted. When we think “haunted” we picture ghoulish mansions filled with ghosts that cannot accept they are dead. Yet, for Frankie Cosmos, its our insecurities and past wounds that truly haunt us. For her, the dead are not scary because they cannot harm as much as you harm yourself. 

My grandmother always says, “Fear the living, not the dead, because its the living that can make you dead!” Wise words! In some ways, Cosmos treats our fears, from embarrassing our family to never accomplishing a healthy relationship, to be like spirit killers. She feather through the inner panics that our life will never feel “enough” for us to enjoy .Thus, her 2 – 3 minute tracks are like quick, existential crises. With her piano led melodies and sweet voice, she beautifully and casually captures how deep we can get into our head when we feel our heart is never let out. 

“In The World,” “Allowed,” “Eternal,” and “Today’s Special” are tiny, brisk dives into a mind’s anxieties. The crazy part is that her melodies feel fresh like, a light breeze in the fall. Even at her most sullen and intense reflections on her inner turmoils, her songs are so easy to listen to, which is why they become healing. The first step to closing wound is acknowledging you have one, and, too often, we cannot say how scared we are that we are failing ourselves. Thus, Frankie Cosmos’ Haunted Item are, actually, very elevating. For More Information On Frankie Cosmos And To Buy Haunted Items on March 29 Click Here.