Album Review: Reduxer Creates A New, Welcomed Sound For Alt-J
Alt-J’s Reduxer is a set of 11 reinterpretations of songs from the band’s third album, RELAXER, reimagined by a variety of hip hop artists and producers. The result is a completely altering experience of sound that shows good music can be made into anything. If imitation is the key to flattery than interpretation is the key to durability.
In terms of production, Reduxer warps classic Hip Hop swags into a dystopian sound alley or funkadelic, roller rink. You feel like you are going underground into a cyber world during “In Cold Blood (feat. Pusha T) {Twin Shadow Remix}, 3WW (feat Little Simz) {OTG Version}, and Adeline (feat. Paigey Cakey and Hex) {ADP Version} Their music alters in vivacity with songs such as, “Last Year (feat. Goldlink) {Terrace Martin Version},” or “Hit Me Like A Snare (Jimi Charles Moody Version)” that radiate with a cool bounce. Frankly, Alt-J could happily live in these sonic worlds for the rest of their careers because I could live in them, as well. Moreover, in changing their vibes and frequencies, they do something every artist wish they can do; prove how much they are capable of.
alt-J – Deadcrush (feat. Danny Brown) (Alchemist x Trooko Version) [Official Video]
Life is endless, and music is unlimited. By now, Alt-J have a following that, rightfully, feels they know what they will get when they pick up or download their record. Yet, Reduxer even transforms Joe Newman’s voice by making it more scintillating and pulling as he is unwrapping every bow and string that has tied his gift into boxes. Release, as a word and energy, is certainly a vibe of this album, and counters Relaxer, the previous record, that gives off a mood of settlement. Reduxer shakes the ground, lyrically and sonically, to make Alt-J decide where the dust settles and sweeps on their talent. From my fave track, “Pleader (feat. PJ Sin Suela) {Trooko Remix}” to “Deadcrush (feat. Danny Brown) {Trooko Remix},” Reduxer gives new territory for Alt-J that I hope the continue to explore. For More Information On Alt-J And To Buy Reduxer Click Here.
alt-J – Last Year (feat. GoldLink) (Terrace Martin Version) [Official Video]