Album Review: Royal Teeth Contemplate Hard Luck

What is hard luck? According to Royal Teeth’s album, titled as such, Hard Luck is the massive work you put into something and the hope that it works out. Efforts are great and always needed, but luck is vital. It is crazy to live in a world where “chance” can define whether your work achieves results or stays stagnant.

Sonically, there is nothing “stuck” or “still” about Royal Teeth’s sound. It is bombastic, and feels like an 80’s rock approach to modern pop. There is something daring about their sound; as if the chorus to “Where Not Gonna Take It!” will, immediately, begin to play. Yet, such a dynamic is perfect in building the rhythmic and lyrical urgency to Royal Teeth’s music. They are the sonic embodiment to every time you said to yourself, “This NEEDS TO WORK OUT! This will NOT BE another failure!” 

Royal Teeth “Show You What I Can Do” feat. Tunde Olaniran (Official Music Video)

The thing about luck is that we never know when it will touch upon our lives and alter our reality into a livable fantasy. Songs such as,  “You Make It Better,” “It’s Just The Start,” “Never Gonna Quit,” and “Arrival” have lead singer Gary Larsen meaning notes with zest and conviction. He carries a determined energy throughout each song that makes his voice feel like a lit match thrown into lyrical gasoline. The effect is combustive because you want to join him as he confronts those that do not back him and seduces those he knows are worthy of standing by him. The latter may seem like an arrogant statement, but get knocked down a few times, and you will start measuring goals and relationships according to their value. 

Royal Teeth “Get A Load Of This One” (Official Lyric Video)

Not every dream should be turned into a goal and not every relationship should be made into an emotional focus. As ambition fuels every guitar melody and bass hook, you feel vulnerable, which is exactly what Royal Teeth wanted. The album is, actually, dedicated to the high and lows of the music industry with Larsen, specifically, wanting the record to be an encourager for all listeners feeling ready to hide rather than putting themselves out there one more time. For all that we talk about “never giving up,” we do not discuss about how some have given up because they knock on million doors that never opened. That takes a toll on your heart, and Royal Teeth’s Hard Luck seeks to revive your hope. Click  Here To Buy The Album On June 28.