Album Review: The Trews Are Civilianaires
For many of us, the reason we are hopeless romantics is because we see love like a life line. It is as if the world is on The Titanic, and, somehow, our relationships make sure there is enough room on the door for Jack and Rose. In these crazy times, The Trews’ Civilianaires sees love like the only thing that can save us from a cold, crashing iceberg.
Quite frankly, the world has always been a hard, and, for many communities, the madness or cruelty of these times is nothing new. Yet, the difference lies in exposure. Now, more than ever, we know all humanity’s darkness, but we still are figuring out its light and whether it can overpower. In some ways, The Trews “politicize” love, but not in usual fashion. They are not going “John Lennon” and making songs with specific promotions of peace. Instead, they invite love as a counter for the individual’s stresses about the world.
When you cannot handle the news, for The Trews, the love of a lover is the only calm you need. Hence, “Vintage Love,” “Bar Star,” and “Amen” are like tiny resignations that if you cannot change the world to become one of greater love then you should not let it change how you define your greatest loves. It is a romantic note that The Trews offer in zipping and zapping retro rhythms. The Cure, Peter Gabriel, and Phil Collins would adore Civilianaires for its mutual rock optimism; using a burning baseline and magnetized melody to say, “All you need is love.”
From “Leave It Alone” to “Jericho,” Colin Macdonald feels like a vibrant guide through an electro Mad Max Fury Road. Their rock is fervent in adrenaline, while Colin’s voice feels like the steady guid maneuvering you to hope, connection, and the feeling/fact that darkness never leaves but nor does light. We live in a world that truly believes there could be a day or a place where both do not have to exist side by side, but The Trews show that such an instance cannot be. Instead, Civilianaires is the sonic decision to have constant good conquer consistent evil. For More Information On The Trews And To Buy Civilianaires Click Here.
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