Album Review: Wolf Alice Make Me Have “Visions of A Life” Better Than Today’s

If Wolf Alice is serving Visions of A Life then I am HERE FOR IT! The record is cross between Heaven and The Apocalypse; like driving on a cloud through a forest fire. There ability to smash beauty with chaos thrives, and makes Visions of A Life an album to pick up on September 22.
Wolf Alice – Yuk Foo

From “Yuk Foo” to “Space & Time”, it is hard to compact the sound of Vision of A Life. Yes, it is “indie” rock but explores the vastness of this term. From gut-busting “Heavenward” to the quiet, ballet of sound in “After The Zero Hour”, it is clear that Wolf Alice see music like a skating rink; you either play hockey or go figure skating. The spontaneity of their instrumentals allows the album to be a full sensory experience and chance to really select a song for your mood. You can go full-on 80’s Led Zeppelin with “Sadboy” or settle into the gasp of your stress in “Sky Musings”. The range of instrumentals and sporadically, anthemic choruses and hooks may seem like a lot, but it works thanks to the genius of Ellie Rowsell. I wrote in my concert review that this woman knows how to play. Whether she is wising whispers in “Don’t Delete The Kisses” to her “in your face” cheers and screeches in “Formidable Cool”, I cannot stop LIVING for her voice. She is like a sonic magic 8 ball; you never know what note you are going to get no matter how hard she is shakenby her lyrics. Visions of A Life is 100% another, rock n’ roll record on how to cope with life. From “Beautifully Unconventional” to “St. Purple & Green”, the album is about quelling you rage, anxiety, and self-doubt to remember you still have to function. Even if your heart feels like a pit of quicksand, you still need to let it beat, especially for others.
Wolf Alice – Don’t Delete the Kisses

Visions of A Life is an enthralling record. It is a roller-coaster fusion of punk, pop, folk, and even splashes of shoegaze because why not? If life is everything than you must envision anything, and Wolf Alice do. Visions of A Life comes out September 22 Click Here.Wolf Alice – Beautifully Unconventional