Albums of The Year: Rich Jones Gives You A Shoulder To Lean On
In culminating the year, I am setting up the standout album of 2018. Rich Jones’ The Shoulder To Lean On is a clear reminder that love is simple. It is a shared treasure of one’s soul, and Jones’ voice carries your heart like precious coins. Thus, his new record makes you want to boo up and flaunt to the WORLD that you have the greatest gold: a relationship.
I know that I, often, use music to analyze relationships. but that is only because music realizes a universal truth: humanity was made for community. Each human being is defined by their bonds, and Rich Jones’ has the words that assure us we stick together. Tracks like, “Step Into You,” “Dreamin,” and ‘I’m In Deep” promote both individual and mass unity. For him, relationships are he sole currency to Heaven, which is such a magnificent thought. The idea that the only way you can pay for eternal happiness is by how much you LOVED! AWWWW!!
Love is infused into this record within its literal sound. R&B and Hip Hop are splashed with jazz and funk to create a sonic beverage you could sip all day. Truly, his record is completely distinct in sound. It whirls all these genre rhythms to become a new frontier: one where his voice rides down through Chicago’s snowy lanes or summer heat road. It is clear this Chicago native is PROUD of his city by creating a style that feels representative of it.
Cities are strange place to find love, which is why, if you do, it is so true. They are mash-up of heightened melancholia and optimism, of which, from “Drone Kids” to “Rolling Stoned,” appeal to those trying to find “their person” amongst the droves of people. Still, Rich Jones’ voice feels like a vape. You could, literally, smoke his vocality; feeling its raw sentiment give the air you breath a taste of love. For More Information On Rich Jones Click Here.