Artist Close-Up: Cairo Gold Proves Wicked Love Is “Torture”

I always say it, “Love ain’t easy!” Yet, I do not reiterate this quote for its simplicity. I say it because how you love yourself measures both how you love others and what kind of love you will take from them. When you hate yourself, you will find yourself with someone who treats you hatefully. That perspective drives Cairo Gold’s music as a writhing difference between lust and love.

We always want people, but when do we start wanting better people? “Torture”, “Hail Mary”, and “Livewire” are just a few of Cairo’s tracks, from her self-titled debut, that focus on how it feels to want someone that hurts you while realizing you want to want better for yourself. Let me explain. At times, we are stuck with a partner that does not treat us right, and, only when we realize we can do better, do we start to become unwillingly unstuck to them. It is as if to say we demand for them to change as without seeing we are changing ourselves. Such a notion explains why Cairo goes for a R&B, rock melody that roars, while she whimpers her lyrics like a wounded lioness .
Cairo Gold – Torture

The biggest attribute to Cairo’s power is that she knows how to sing brokenness. She truly tries to make every single word in her verse emotionally count. A light riff here and a tickling note there, and she does all she can to make sure you feel what she and everyone feels about love: it may disappoint you, but it does transform you. For More Information On Cairo Gold Click Here.