Artist Close Up: Meet Tedy, Your New Emotional Friend

I always find it hilarious when men try to say they are not “emotional.” Of course, they may manifest their emotions in different way than us ladies, but gender oppression would do that to people. Still, there is something incredibly sad and “off” about being painted as emotionless and assuming that that is the key to rationale. In his major label debut, Tedy may have titled the EP “Boys Don’t Cry,” but the entire album is written from his tears.

Based in Montreal and hailing from Haiti, this Caribbean King has a vocality that makes this island girl very proud. It is smoothly rich like slathering a decadent portion of peanut butter over some very berried, jellied feelings.  Okay, I’ll admit it! I am eating a PB&J while writing this article, but don’t knock the comparison. Raw feelings can feel like jelly inside of us: icky, sticky, and strangely shapeless for being so textured. Sonically, the record transfers that vibes with synths and analogs that make love feel anamorphic: they are optically illusive despite being sonically felt. Again! FEELINGS!

Tedy – Boys Don’t Cry (Official Video)

We are entering the era of Galimatias, SZA, and Kaash Paige: artists that are burgeoning their careers because they understand people want to be rhythmically depressed. They want a mystical nostalgia in their sounds that matches a Hip-Hop bass with a lo-fi take. Yes, this is a tall, strange order that not everybody can deliver, but Tedy does. His voice strikes you like wind hitting chimes, but his beats are paced and plotted like seeds in dirt: balancing a Chill Heaven and Sad Hell dynamic that most people feel in their real life and only want it beautified by their sonic one. Click Here To Learn More About Tedy.