Artist Close- Up: The Accidentals (Includes Two Free Downloadable Tracks)

Katie Larson, Michael Dause, and Savannah Buist
When I first heard the Accidentals, I literally heard talent. That may seem odd to say. How do you hear talent? Yet, it can be heard through the raw, honesty of their music. They, literally, capture the long, winding road that is life in three minute excerpts.

There is no hiding it. I am a feminist. So when I hear these two lovely ladies sing about the woes and flows of life, I want grab my backpack and jump into their musical van. Ultimately, that is the idea The Accidentals give through their sound. Their musical imagery reminds you of driving around with a group of friends laughing and secretly wondering what is the point of all “this”. They perfectly encapsulate the outward joys and hidden insecurities everyone carries through potent lyrics and acoustics that flow into your mind like a river. Their lyrics prove they are wise, intellectuals that look into the secret corners of emotions to bring them to light. In addition, I am a huge fan of their hints of violin. It interplays in their folkish-blues tracks like splashes of perfume. It gives their songs an elevated elegance that infuses into your ears. I am extremely excited for their future, and to share their music with you.

The Accidentals have quite a cult following, and it is obvious why? Personally loved and endorsed by fellow artist Andrew Bird, this band began their road to accolades at a young age. By the end of high school, they had scored two films and successfully released three studio albums. To think, my greatest high school accomplishment was finding my math class on the first try. Thus, through sheer uniqueness and determination this young trio have already become accomplished musicians. Last year, they were voted Billboard’s Break Out Band, and do not be surprised if one day they are winning an oscar or grammy for their scores.

Check out their official website for more of their history and music enjoy!