Concert Review: Animal Years Release Their Inner Child At MHOW

“Thanks for the nice tambourine tap in the ass,” joked Mike McFadden to bassist Anthony Saldino. Animal Years’ brotherly banter and vibes were infectious throughout…

Album Review: Cloud Castle Lakes Make A Picasso Debut In Malingerer

Cloud Castle Lakes’ debut, Malingerer, feels like the Picasso of debuts. It is abstract and completely morphed in human shaped to make your emotions reveal…

Album Review: Ashley Monroe Is The “Sparrow” of Country Music

Ashley Monroe is a Sparrow. Her new album, of the same title, seemingly embodies the animals’ spirit. The most common species of bird known to…

Album Review: Post Animal Is Trippy In When I Think Of You In A Castle

Post Animal’s When I Think Of You In A Castle feels like the quintessential album of “Dude Rock”. This is what I call rock records that…

Album Review: Bishop Briggs Takes You To The Church of Scars

Bishop Briggs is sonically innovative but accessible, which is, basically, what the music industry dreams of in an artist. Although some judge the music biz…

Album Review: Lord Huron Show You A “Vide Noir”

Lord Heron create immersive, imaginative soundscapes, and do not recoil from displaying humanity’s dullness. After spending nights driving around and observing Los Angeles’s nights  for…

Album Review: Tinashe Takes You On An Edgy R&B Joyride

From Kali Uchis to H.E.R, R&B is receiving a revamp that attracts young people’s desire to CHILL OUT! Tinashe is another member of what I…

Album Review: L.A. Salami Is A Poet For The City of Bootmakers

In City of Bootmakers, L.A. Salami feels like the music narrator for youth. As seen in concert, he is magnificent story-teller whom is not afraid…

Album Review: Brazilian Girls Ignite Fun In Let’s Make Love

Brazilian Girls’ new album, LET’S MAKE LOVE, feels like the wild night out you have been DYING to have. Every song is shocked with an…

Artist Close-Up: Lowell Shows The Complexity of Being A Lone Wolf

When you think of a lone wolf, there is something dirty, fearless, sad, but dangerous about this creature. You can imagine them going through snowy…

Album Review: Ängie Debuts With Suicidal Since 1995

Sweden’s Ängie’s Suicidal Since 1995 might be the dopest, sardonic debut to be released this week. Technically, we start dying the minute we are born.…

Album Review: Wye Oak Tells Life “The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs”

  Wye Oak’s The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs is a riveting, sonic masterpiece into every moment you felt like you were chasing…

Album Review: Young Galaxy Give You Cosmic Nightlife In Down Time

Young Galaxy are true to their name in their new album: Down Time. Imagine lounging on Jupiter’s beach or sitting and reading a good book…

Album Review: Tom Misch’s Geography Is Traveling Music For Love

Tom Misch’s new album, Geography, has a jazzy brightness to it that makes you feel like you are waltzing through the biggest cities on earth.…

Album Review: Fenne Lily Scopes Through Her Life While “On Hold”

What I LOVE about Fenne’s Lily as a lyricist is that she never loses her power in situations. From her dreams to her relationships, she…