Concert Review: Kishi Bashi Is The King At Bk Steel

Kishi Bashi! KIIIIISSSHHHHHIIIII BAAAAAASSSHHHHHIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! He did it. He had violins while he was singing, and now he is the best artist I have ever seen. That is is! That is the concert review! …. I wish. Frankly, that excited rant sums up pretty well the magic of a Kishi Bashi show, and its ability to feel like the adult version of Sesame Street.
Were there puppets? Yes! Was there decorations, bright personalities, and popping fashion statements? Why yes! Was there beauty, humor, and overall feeling like life could get better and climate change reversed? BUT OF COURSE! Some may find a Sesame Street comparison small and facetious, but I miss those day. I miss turning on my TV to find creatures, that I swore actually lived on a visitable street, would tell me things like, “It is good to share” and “We all can get friends.” Now, I know better, but Kishi Bashi makes those basic, childlike lessons feel accessible by approaching music with an innocent, pure glee.
Kishi Bashi – Marigolds (Official Video)
Maybe, the key to feeling like Heaven is to feel like a kid again? Maybe, Heaven is located on Sesame Street? Woah, that got deep. Yet, as Kishi Bashi encouraged audience participation and dived into the crowd to play, it was hard not remember what it was to be excited about everything. His songs might as well have come out on a bubble machine, tracks like “This Must Be The Place” and Marigold” floating like iridescent sphere circling our ears, hearts, and minds to POP bad moods. The power of Kishi Bashi is that he makes good moods feel like access cards to swipe into beauty.
Kishi Bashi – Violin Tsunami (Official Video)
I never thought of it before Kishi Bashi’s show, but feeling good is to feel beautiful. Every stringed arrangement and every voice that sang, from his band, felt stunning in a simple and casual way like walking into your backyard to find a sea of roses. Imagine that! As if all that is gorgeous could already be yours if you acknowledge what you have. WOAH, THAT GOT DEEP! Yet, with a voice that feels like raspberries falling into champagne and sugar, it is hard not to feel beauty in that. For More Information On Kishi Bashi Click Here.