Album Review: Punctual Revive “Fading Youth”

If you read me often enough then you can pick up that I truly believe music is a “pick me up”. A good song can either help you heal a soulful wound or save a dying party, which can interchange in level of importance (lol). Punctual are all about having the party, especially in their newly released EP Fading Youth.

Is it strange that from the minute I heard their EP, I could tell the duo are from Bristol? They energetically capture the UK youth of the region. On one hand, their songs feel like the nipped, Bristol air that suddenly billows to caress you ears in tracks like, “Fading Youth”. Then, on the other, they sound like the excitement and blossoms of flowery dreams that can be felt as in “Mela”. The Bristol natives capture the heart of feel good music. Beneath synths and keys that beg you to dance to their rhythms, are catchy hooks that tell you, “What I Love”. Sometimes, the biggest impact is the the simplest ones. Fading Youth are not trying to “revamp” the music game as much as reignite your night. Fading Youth EP is what you play when you are looking good, and want to feel excited by how much you are going to feel good when your friends roll up and say, “Hey, Its Time To GO! THE CLUB AWAITS!”. Yes! Their name may be fading youth, but they are too at the core of this era’s “funness” to be fading. They are present and on, September 1, they are punctual. For More Information Click Here.