Concert Review: Alex Cameron Is A Greaser of Love At MHOW

If Austin Powers and Elvis Presley decided to concoct their dream primogeniture, it would be Alex Cameron. From his last Rough Trade show to his sold out MHOW one, the man attracts men and women with a supernatural, vampiric allure. That attraction was on proud display as he gyrated and proved being the “weird kid” pays off.

I am convinced that Alex Cameron was either super popular or super outcasted growing up because of how confident he is in his madness. His brazened, but suave insanity feels earned by years of musical esteem. Yes, I know that is a random, social theory to gain from a concert, but as I watched Cameron enter a make-out session with a fan crashing his stage, I realized how deliciously present he is in his essence. He is crazy, visionary, and completely laughing at how free he feels at being both. The result is a show that ignites people’s own wildness as if they were watching The Beatles premiere, for the first time, in the U.S.
Alex Cameron – Runnin’ Outta Luck (Official Video)

“Candy May”, “Studmuffin96”, and “Marlon Brando” emoted Cameron’s smooth, greaser outlook on love. He sings to relationships like he is a jail-bird chain-smoking his sorrows and thrills with the women who loved him. With Roy Molloy on horns, Cameron told Vegas stories and recounted their “on the road” adventures making Molloy feel like the Sancho Pancha to Cameron’s Don Quixojote. One saw giants in wind-mills, while the other made sure, no matter what the latter’s vision, they went forward in their journey.
Alex Cameron – Politics of Love (Official Video)

There are many things to love about an Alex Cameron’s concert/ experience. The fun, devious energy he provides; singing tracks such as “The Chihuahua” and “Politics of Love” like a mischievous kid sneaking fireworks into a party. He always annotates, vocally, an element of danger and brings classic coolness to demeanor notes that shows you the best thing to be in the “schoolyard” is the outcast because he grows up to be the artist. For More Information On Alex Cameron Click Here.
Alex Cameron – Candy May (Official Video)