Concert Review: Alice Merton Is My Girl

You should know I have been following Alice Merton’s career for a long time. I see her like baby fledgling that is now a full-grown bird taking to the skies. You should also know I was watching Planet Earth for the millionth time while writing that analogy. My point is that at MHOW, Alice Merton the biggest, brightest version of herself I have ever seen and it has been a long road for her to get there. 

I remember seeing Alice at Baby’s All Right, opening to unpacked crowd that loved her sound but were invested in her story; a young woman that could not find a label that saw her vision, so she started her own. I don’t know if you know that such a move is BOLD! Even at her most fearful and rejected, she fought for herself and went forward building the stardom she felt was her. Hence. her MHOW show was PACKED with people that gravitate to her music because she never sings to letting herself down. 
Alice Merton – Funny Business (Official Video)

“Learn To Live,” “Speak Your Mind,” and “Lash Out” were just a few of the songs that made an epiphany bell go off in my head; Alice Merton’s music is pop badassery for the person looking to get up. I’m talking that Generation Z’er/ Millennial that is DONE believing “exposure” is proper pay, a lover that never introduces you to his/her family and friends is just being precautious, and believing that dreams are not a proper investment. I have not met one person that did not have a dream, but I have not met many persons that have had it come true. Alice Merton’s dream is coming true, and all her songs are about the sabotaging people and situations she has had to climb over to remind herself she is awesome. If that is not the most Millennial Goal in the universe, next to Trump’s Impeachment, then I don’t know what is. 
Alice Merton – Why So Serious (Official Video)

Merton moved through that stage with a confidence that was infectious. She belted her notes and revved her stories with a passion that matched Obama’s “Yes WE CAN!” More importantly, she embodied that you actually could, which is why even the FDNY had to gift her a hat in respect.  For More Information Alice Merton Click Here.