Concert Review: Au/Ra Makes The Simple Feel Big At Public Arts NYC

Au/Ra left me happily enlightened by her performance at Public Arts. While, at first, her music seems to be tropical infused, indie-pop rebellions, singing to the angst of being an “Outsider”, their inspirations are much simpler. Au/Ra sings to the small things that connect to bigger behaviors.

From junk food to being indoorsy, the charming, Antiguan song-writer has the most accessible inspirations for her music. We all can go on a potato chip binge and could find ourselves the only one in our friend group unmotivated for nights-out. As she spoke on all the things that make her feel human, she became a star to the crowd with more and more patrons surrounding her to audibly say, “I like her.” Yes, they were talking about her person, but what is an artist if not a person. The fact that they liked her personality made them revel in her genuine talent.
Au/Ra – Panic Room (Official Video)

From “Panic Room” to “Kicks”, Au/Ra danced around the stage as if she had been released from Pandora’s Box. She swayed and swayed with almost mystical movement, and her long, green hair certainly highlighted the magic of her presence. Meanwhile, her voice seemed older, more powerful for than her sweet demeanor, but still warm enough to highlight
her guitar, synth-waved melodies that play off like oceans of electricity. She flares her music with Caribbean styles and spiritual tensities; she is simultaneously angst by all the dream she wants, but relaxed and willing enough to smile at her present.
Au/Ra – Panic Room (Official Video)

Au/Ra is both wise and confidently innocent, all at once, which can be seen in her story behind her song “Drake”. She spoke about how she found Drake’s playstation name for the game Fortnight, and thought she would be the only savvy one to befriend him. She quickly learned she was not the only “genius”, and felt disappointed that her dream of being Drake’s “playstation friend” got so quickly crushed. Yet, thought her lyrics, the crowd saw she learned not to let her expectations get so high that she loses hope and fun for what she has and can have. It was a random, twisting lesson that everyone could understand, expectations kill appreciations, and Au/Ra is all about being grateful. For Au/Ra, no matter how flawed she may feel about her self or situations, she does not let such things outweigh her optimism and the cooler aspects of her being, like her talent. For More Information On Au/Ra Click Here.