Concert Review: Ben Zaidi Is A Millennial Yogi At Rough Trade

If Ben Zaidi’s music did one thing for his adoring crowd, it was make them feel like their spirits were in a yoga class and his music was giving it better posture. That may seem like a humorous comparison, but younger generations are struggling emotionally  because we are also struggling politically and financial, of which nothing disrupts a social life like bad policies and empty pockets. Thus, Zaidi’s ability to build a story through the Millennial perspective was emotionally gratifying. 

I can only describe his songs like granite turning into gold; somehow he was transforming the grit and grays of living in a world that feels like it is sinking but you still want to fall in love. Isn’t that crazy! Dictatorships are on the rise, everywhere in the world, and I am sincerely starting a dating profile! Yet, that is Zaidi’s point; human resilience is simple but deserves to be glorified. We should admire the everyday person that doesn’t lose their sanity and go all Joker, but instead transforms their mass vulnerability into a loving relationship. 
Ben Zaidi & Budo – “SHAMBLES.” (Official Video)

With a voice that rubs on the soul like coconut oil on the skin, Zaidi is such a sweetheart. He smiles and jokes with the crowd, and then leaps into a song as if to hold a note is the equivalent to a trust- fall. Maybe, it is? After all, when you are trying to make songs the reel like romantic dramedy in the minds of listeners, you have to hope that they don’t see your feelings and imagination as cheesy. Yet, by the way certain viewers eyes fawned over him, it was clear that his fans took him with serious importance. 
Ben Zaidi & Budo – When I Was Alone. (Official Music Video)

I said it in my Anthony Ramos review and I say it with Ben Zaidi again; story-tellers are so important in each generation of rising singers. There is a particular, spiritual weight to a song that tells a story, whether light-hearted or heavy, because it makes a listener see themselves, and, for a moment, that is enough. In essence, I don’t mind if the world doesn’t see me if I got see myself in a song. For More Information On Ben Zaidi Click Here.