Concert Review: Beshken Need To Relax At Elsewhere

“I need to relax” repeated Beshken as synths and basslines whirred around the room like toss able life-lines. If life was a sinking ship, to his fans, his music was a safety-vest he hoped could keep them afloat in the relentless sea. Life doesn’t stop, and, at times, it feels aimed to destroy you. At Elsewhere, Beshken sung to those that know they have to keep going even if they wished it could all stop. 

Beshken – Passion (Official Audio)

You ever tossed a bunch clothes and papers on the floor, in anger, and then picked them up to organize them again? Have you ever slammed a door in a fury but made sure to not break it? “White Gemini,” “Cursed,” and”Passion” Beshken sings to wanting to rage but knowing you can’t because if you, actually, let yourself crumble, somewhere inside of you, your spirit will feel ashamed. Resilience is strange company for a reason because it is a strength that born through utmost weakness and even self-loathing. Thus, Beshken walked around the stage, keeled over, and emoted on the mic like a man having a breakdown in the privacy of his room. In this, he felt so common.

Like I said, we all have moments when we wished we could make the world “pay” for not turning according to our desires; something a room full of Millennials understand very well. Every person/ generation wants to make the world its oyster, but the newsreels are, literally, telling us Climate Change might take away all oysters. Thus, Beshken felt young and calmly frustrated, while his rhythms turned Elsewhere into a European Emo-House. With pixelated, Roman statues whirling in image, Beshken made a statement. Roman statues are known to be one of the most vivid artworks of humanity, but they don’t feel, and, for many, moving into the cyber world is like transferring learnt numbness. 

Beshken – Cursed (Music Video)

With a voice that is soft and billowy, Beshken’s verses stood like sewn loops yarning through his crowd’s inner turmoils. They loved it and swayed accordingly. It was a distinct party; emo sounds for emo souls seeking to  make a club a “house.” For More Information On Beshken Click Here.