Concert Review: Charlotte Cardin Remind Public Arts NYC Why We Fall For Seduction
You ever hear someone sing and go, “Mmmmmhmmmmm!”. From food to making love, that singular groan has been used internationally as the symbol for, “Yes, I am pleased”. Charlotte Cardin’s voice as the Public Arts Hotel, earned a thousand “Mmmmhmmm’s” and defined why everyone will always need Soul in their life.
Charlotte Cardin – Dirty Dirty (Official Video)
Charlotte Cardin proves that soul, as a genre, relies on the voice for definition. Yes, it has a certain “sound”, of which Motown and Classic Jazz can attest as founders. Yet, Cardin is more electro R&B or indie-pop. Tracks like, “Dirty Dirty” or “Big Boy” feel like a live-wire was tossed into ocean of emotions. As saltwater met with electricity sparks flew, and currents began to form the voice of Charlotte Cardin. For however succulent her beats feel in songs such as, “Like It Doesn’t Hurt” and “Talk Talk”, her voice rise as the grabber of your tasty attention. Your ears salivate as Cardin’s voice fumes into rhythms like Love’s personal lover. She sings as if she has fallen for the virtue, itself, and the crowd simply did not know the it have become an actual living man. This sonic/ lyrical perspective drives sentiments up both in the crowd and Cardin, who seemingly gets taken by her own music like, a wave snatching an innocent swimmer. Sure, she thought her relationships was the equivalent to a nice day on the beach, but then “Wicked Games”, her cover of the Chris Isaac classic, happened, and now she is left swimming against the very nature she thought she could float upon. The image is outstandingly beautiful, but also painfully real in how love can seduce and deduce a person’s being. Hence, Cardin’s voice can feel surgical in how it cuts, removes, and heals the heartaches of the audience with its soothing effects, especially when she sings French tracks like “Les Echardes” and “Faufile”. Nothing like the most romantic language to remind you why, for however much you say, you will never give up on romance.
Charlotte Cardin – Faufile
Charlotte Cardin is a must-see because a beautiful voice deserves admiration. She could tour the universe singing strictly Acapella, and still summon feelings as if an orchestra was backing her. I always say that we all have artists that we turn to when we need to feel and those that we turn on when we need to have fun. Charlotte Cardin is a songstress to make you feel vulnerable, which is whyI command you to checkout Charlotte Cardin by Clicking Here.
Charlotte Cardin – Like It Doesn’t Hurt (Feat. Husser)