Concert Review: Chase Atlantic Give A SHOW! At Rockwood Music Hall
Rockwood Music Hall was TOO SMALL for the power-bomb that is Chase Atlantic. Amongst sweat, tears, and Instagram vids, Chase Atlantic brought music back to a simpler time: the 90’s. When boy bands knew how to make you feel like they were LITERALLY your life. LANY, The 1975, and now, Chase Atlantic, have risen to bring a level of cool sophistication to the “boy band” mentality.
Chase Atlantic – “Triggered” (Official Music Video)
Boy Bands get a bad rep, and they certainly are not associated with the level of crispness and plugged insightfulness that is Chase Atlantic. Humorously enough, I had, accidentally, met Chase Atlantic a few days before the concert, while at Lights, and they were the SWEETEST! Being the human person that I am, I had no idea they were the members of Chase Atlantic, or rather the “next big thing”. Yet, that casual, brief convo revealed something to their presence on stage. You do not, necessarily, need to know you are great to be great. On the contrary, all you have to do is be it, and then you will know it. Thus, they perform as if they have no idea that they are wonderful, but manage to do very single, rhetorical move to make the crowd go wild. From their flopping hair that delivers undeniable moodiness to tracks “Drugs & Money”, “Triggered”, and “Cassie” to their blatant, ab revelations that left many boyfriends google-searching local gyms, Chase Atlantic understood that to give a concert, you have to be a show in and of itself. Enter Mitchel Cave to be a master-class in Theatre 101!
Chase Atlantic – “Okay” (Official Music Video)
Cave is a FREAKING FRONTMAN! He walks across the stage as if someone locked him in a room, and forced him to relive every bad break-up/ decision. He manically performed songs such as, “Angeline”, “Okay”, and “Into It”, like he was hallucinating them before the stage. He brought a level of pain, prowess, and personableness that made you want to say “Amen!”. Yet, despite all verses dedicated to the eternal, love wounds that define pop lyricism, Chase Atlantic make you party like you are rocker groupies. They are the ACDC of the “Troye Sivan” era we have entered in terms of pop music; serving thoughtful, pensive tracks in platters of mellowing, electro chords, invincibility complexes, and brightly, bashing melodies. Oh, and did I mention Clinton Cave plays a mean sax? Yeah, they got that, too! Thus, they might be the most bad-ass group to sing about feeling like a lost, love-lorn puppy. For More Information On Chase Atlantic Click Here.
Photographic Evidence of Everyone Dancing At Chase Atlantic’s Rockwood Show