Concert Review: Citizen Cope HAS STANS At Brooklyn Steel

In between an Italian man that could not stop yelling, “Bravo!,” and an elderly man making out with his wife but looking at her with eyes that said, “I would leave you for Citizen Cope,” Brooklyn Steel was packed with stans. In a way, Citizen Cope shows that “stanning” someone is like a marriage. If you truly love an artist’s work, you treat your bond to their music with the reverence you would an eternal lover.

Eyes closes, bit lips, and full voiced sing-alongs adorned the night as fans treated Citizen Cope’s songs like the soundtrack to their life. Admittedly, I understood. Citizen Cope is to music what Netflix is to tv-binging. You never listen to just “one track” of Citizen Cope. To hear one is to open a Pandora’s box of music and emotions, which is why I loved seeing, in particular, how deeply men connected to Citizen Cope’s songs. While society negatively defines women as “emotional,” it positively defines men as “emotionless.” Such definition, I believe, lead to the unhappiness of both genders, in part, because our feelings are what make us human, and our journey to feel better is what makes us good. 

Citizen Cope – Full Session – 8/28/2017 – Paste Studios – New York, NY

As Citizen Cope scoped through his catalogue, From “Let the Drummer Kick” to “Pablo Picasso” or a cover of the Rat Pack, the show was a nose-dive into an artist’s power. It is true that artists’ reflect upon the human spirit, and, live, Citizen Cope sings to how our souls can feel on loop. It is as if we always choose the same heartbreaks and joys, of which years can pass before we venture to explore another. Hence, his verses spin like vinyls in your mind, and pushed his concert-goers to see a song as tied to a memory. “Sideways,” “If There’s Love,” and “Son’s Gonna Rise” were just a few songs that were sung by the audience as if it ignited a “reliving.” It was a show where the crowd was impassioned by Citizen Cope as a symbol.

Sweet, awed, and present in speaking to the crowd about serious issues like, The Opioid Crisis, Citizen Cope builds a concert that is a relaxing and reflective experience. Yet, again, this is because of how deeply his fans love him. To them, he puts the art in “artist,” which made the entire show feel heightened in appreciation and soothing fun. For More Information On Citizen cope Click Here.