Concert Review: Coast Modern Surf Through Love At Mercury Lounge

OOoooOOOOOOoOoO I LOOOOVVEEE Coast Modern’s sound. They remind of all those passionate love songs we sing when we are going through a break-up or even a declaration of love. For being a group completely imaged as lax, surfy persons ready to ride a SoCal wave, but then they get into the music, and you realize there is a tsunami of pent-up feelings beneath their tracks. Hence, there Mercury Lounge performance was a surprisingly hyped venture into the tribes and jungles of love.
Coast Modern – Frost [Official Visualizer]

Lead Singer Coleman Trapp went FULL ON Indiana Jones as he asked the crowd to close their eyes and picture tribal drums pounding in a jungle forest as they go deeper and deeper through its palms to find the sound. To my surprise, people did it! This is New York after all; we do have trust issues! Yet, Trapp built a sense of trust and bigger than life attitude by perusing through the stage like he was drunk on love. He swindles his body as if he took thirty shots of a tequila called Amor, and decided to run up on stage to sweat and sing all the passion flowing through his veins. I was intoxicated by his approach, and people were, too. Beyond the beer in your hands, a good, sing-along song can leave you swooning with a happier feeling and confidence. People usually drink to get loose, but lyric can leave you released. Thus, as everyone sang full-on with Chapman during “Pockets Full of No”, “ Now I’m Cool” “The Way It Was”, and “Run It Up” we were all transported to the moments when we were the ones begging for a break or breakthrough. While Chapman’s voice has a radio-friendly ease that makes you want to listen on repeat, when he performs he become the titular man that is downstairs begging his girl, “If you are going to throw out my s**t, at least, throw my heart out, too!”. How many times have you felt severed by relationships literally but not figuratively? The person is gone, but their influence over you is not.
Coast Modern – Tiny Umbrella [Official Visualizer]

Coast Modern rocked Mercury Lounge, but also did THE MOST AMAZING THING THAT I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! They thanked the crowd, and stayed to meet them. I am addicted to gratitude, and, in their sold-out show, they had it. Let me remind you that being a fan is never free! Buying albums, shows, and even a radio station to listen to artist’s work cost “bank” that lots of people, especially Millennials, may not have. Thus, to recognize the dedication of their fans to make sure they rise for the talent they have, truly moved me. Now, I’m a bigger fan! For More Information On Coast Modern Click Here.
Coast Modern – Now I’m Cool [Official Visualizer]