Concert Review: Dirty Honey Are Classic Rock At Mercury Lounge


In the rise of Greta VanFleet, Dirty Honey feel like a new welcome. Classic rock is due for a surging revival because it is a genre that made its older generations, at the time, clutch their pearls. We need another, youthful’ rebellion not based on harm as much as heart. One where younger generations helm the future they will live in with happiness. At Mercury Lounge, Dirty Honey were elated. 

It was a BRIEF set that left the audience salivating for more. Within six songs, the band managed to make the ambiance feel like an arena. Their music is so surrounding; completely engulfing you with rhythms that spark your senses. Similar to Jack White, Dirty Honey have an anthemic vibe that makes you want to charge into battle, of which Marc Labelle is the general. 

Dirty Honey – Fire Away (Live from Capitol Records Studio A)

With a voice that could wake up the dead, Labelle’s high notes felt like Life found its sonic embodiment. EVERYTIME he hit a high note, I swear Axel Rose and Robert Plant heard him and called him brother. He has no qualms eviscerating a note to leave a lyric like an emotional carcass. It is enthralling to watch, especially because each band member is an exceptional musician. They bang their heads and instruments until their songs become the skin and bones of frustrated love, which people want. From “Scars” to “When I’m Gone,” Dirty Honey sung to love going wrong but continuing the fight for the right one. For More Information Dirty Honey Click Here.