Concert Review: Elliot Root Sing To Love At Mercury Lounge
Elton John became a legend because he knew how to turn a good cry into a good song. Elliot Root is becoming mythical because they know how to turn heartache into a hit. For Elliot Root, love can be a traitor, and Scott Krueger’s guitar and voice became a star witness to its betrayal at Mercury Lounge.
At Mercury Lounge, Elliot Root felt like an adult prom. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THAT AS A JOKE! I make the reference in that the group create music for the freshness of love’s wounds and whims. You feel like you are dancing with Love, amongst streamed lights, and for however smooth you make your moves, she still, occasionally, steps on you. “Lost Man Running”, “Conjure”, and “Wicked Lies” play to loves’ romanticism and meanness. How it can makes us dream, while also leave us thoughtless is the foundation for every heart that has beat and been crushed by this virtue, and Elliot Root’s music clusters rock, pop, country, and folk like they are music gems to be carried in their melodic satchels.
Elliot Root – Wicked Lies
By now, I am a heartbeat veteran, but there was something incredibly young, even if mature, about how Elliot Root sang to love’s capacity to either turn you on or turn on you. It falls unto Scott Krueger’s country-pop vocals that make you feel like you are running through grains of bubblegum. He sounds too rustic and homely to be considered pure pop, but too sweet and colorful to be defined as pure folk or indie. This could be why Elliot Root claim themselves as simply alternative. Like Kunzite, they cannot properly fall into solely one genre, especially because they are making music to humanity. Since when have we fallen under one category?
Elliot Root – 10,000 (Audio)
From “Soul Is Fire” to “June, After Dark”, you frolic in their hooks as if you were being trapped by roses. They are flowery in their sonic hypnosis but thorny in their lyricism because….. that is HOW LOVE IS! Yet, the most important thing about their seesawing dynamic is that it makes the audience feel big, which goes back to, again, my adult prom reference (lol!). There are instances in life when you feel so fresh, invincible, and in love that you feel like Heaven has imprinted on you, and Elliot Root are leaving sonic prints upon such moments. For More Information on Elliot Root Click Here.