Concert Review: Dermot Kennedy Shares His Heart At Irving Plaza

Dermot Kennedy’s music makes you feel like you are both falling and flying, all at once. It is a strange sentiment that is both haunting and exhilarating. At Irving Plaza, he sung to a sold-out crowd eager to hear, live, the music that has soundtracked their day to day thoughts.

Kennedy’s vocals are as phantasmic as they are fantastic. They waltz over the crowd with a ghostliness that is mystifying, especially because he sings his tracks like they are a seres of thoughts rushing forward. “An Evening I Will Not Forget”, “Moments Passed”, and “A Closeness” were stringed reflections on how we cerebrate every instance in our life. From hopping on a bus to work or celebrating an anniversary, our brain never seems to shut down in wondering how we live, but Kennedy sings to those that feel shut in by this dynamic.
Dermot Kennedy – Moments Passed

I mentioned it in my Phoebe Bridgers review, but more and more artists are rising to observe how we embrace our reasons to smile over and amongst our reasons to cry. Dermot Kennedy falls into this category as he plays his guitar with a fervor that could have turned this literal instrument into a flame. He rasps his voice as if love and pain were grating and cooking his heart. It is both a grim, beautiful image that danced amongst the hued lights of the Irving Plaza stage. It was enough to wish I had gone to his show with someone.
Dermot Kennedy – Glory

Maybe, it is because his lyrics analyze how we share ourselves with others or his voice has a confounding capacity to stop and make you still, but Dermot Kennedy is a show you see with someone. You want to hold a friend or lover and pause as his music rains on you like musical water you refuse to take cover from. Tracks like, “After Rain” and “All My Friends” lifted souls looking to think about how they think, and reflect how they let their self-thoughts influence their love for others. Kennedy, sincerely, has something special to his music style. Though it seems simple and effortless, a guy swaying to acoustics and feelings, it is magnetic in performance. For More Information on Dermot Kennedy Click Here.
Dermot Kennedy – A closeness (live)